
class AppSearchSchema.StringPropertyConfig.Builder

Builder for StringPropertyConfig.


Public constructors

Builder(propertyName: String)

Creates a new StringPropertyConfig.Builder.

Public functions


Constructs a new StringPropertyConfig from the contents of this builder.

setCardinality(cardinality: Int)

Sets the cardinality of the property (whether it is optional, required or repeated).

@RequiresFeature(enforcement = "", name = Features.SCHEMA_SET_DELETION_PROPAGATION)
setDeletionPropagation(deletionPropagation: Boolean)

Configures whether or not documents in this schema will be removed when the document referred to by this property is deleted.

setIndexingType(indexingType: Int)

Configures how a property should be indexed so that it can be retrieved by queries.

setJoinableValueType(joinableValueType: Int)

Configures how this property should be used as a joining matcher.

setTokenizerType(tokenizerType: Int)

Configures how this property should be tokenized (split into words).

Public constructors


Added in 1.1.0-alpha04
Builder(propertyName: String)

Creates a new StringPropertyConfig.Builder.

Public functions


Added in 1.1.0-alpha04
fun build(): AppSearchSchema.StringPropertyConfig

Constructs a new StringPropertyConfig from the contents of this builder.


Added in 1.1.0-alpha04
fun setCardinality(cardinality: Int): AppSearchSchema.StringPropertyConfig.Builder

Sets the cardinality of the property (whether it is optional, required or repeated).

If this method is not called, the default cardinality is CARDINALITY_OPTIONAL.


Added in 1.1.0-alpha04
@RequiresFeature(enforcement = "", name = Features.SCHEMA_SET_DELETION_PROPAGATION)
fun setDeletionPropagation(deletionPropagation: Boolean): AppSearchSchema.StringPropertyConfig.Builder

Configures whether or not documents in this schema will be removed when the document referred to by this property is deleted.

Requires that a joinable value type is set.


Added in 1.1.0-alpha04
fun setIndexingType(indexingType: Int): AppSearchSchema.StringPropertyConfig.Builder

Configures how a property should be indexed so that it can be retrieved by queries.

If this method is not called, the default indexing type is INDEXING_TYPE_NONE, so that it cannot be matched by queries.


Added in 1.1.0-alpha04
fun setJoinableValueType(joinableValueType: Int): AppSearchSchema.StringPropertyConfig.Builder

Configures how this property should be used as a joining matcher.

If this method is not called, the default joinable value type is JOINABLE_VALUE_TYPE_NONE, so that it is not joinable.

At most, 64 properties can be set as joinable per schema.


Added in 1.1.0-alpha04
fun setTokenizerType(tokenizerType: Int): AppSearchSchema.StringPropertyConfig.Builder

Configures how this property should be tokenized (split into words).

If this method is not called, the default indexing type is TOKENIZER_TYPE_NONE, so that it is not tokenized.

This method must be called with a value other than TOKENIZER_TYPE_NONE if the property is indexed (that is, if setIndexingType has been called with a value other than INDEXING_TYPE_NONE).