
Added Methods
Object remove(Object)  

Changed Methods
Enumeration<Object> elements() Change in return type from Enumeration<V> to Enumeration<Object>.
Method was inherited from java.util.Hashtable, but is now defined locally.
Set<Entry<Object, Object>> entrySet() Change in return type from (Set<Entry<K, V>>) to (Set<Entry<Object, Object>>).
Method was inherited from java.util.Hashtable, but is now defined locally.
Object get(Object) Change in return type from V to Object.
Method was inherited from java.util.Hashtable, but is now defined locally.
Set<Object> keySet() Change in return type from Set<K> to Set<Object>.
Method was inherited from java.util.Hashtable, but is now defined locally.
Enumeration<Object> keys() Change in return type from Enumeration<K> to Enumeration<Object>.
Method was inherited from java.util.Hashtable, but is now defined locally.
String toString() Method was inherited from java.lang.Object, but is now defined locally.  
Collection<Object> values() Change in return type from Collection<V> to Collection<Object>.
Method was inherited from java.util.Hashtable, but is now defined locally.