Cambios en el comportamiento: apps orientadas a Android 15 o versiones posteriores

Al igual que las versiones anteriores, Android 15 incluye cambios de comportamiento que podrían afectar tu app. Los siguientes cambios se aplican exclusivamente a las apps orientadas a Android 15 o versiones posteriores. Si tu app está orientada a Android 15 o versiones posteriores, debes modificarla para que admita estos comportamientos correctamente, cuando corresponda.

Asegúrate de revisar también la lista de cambios de comportamiento que afectan a todas las apps que se ejecutan en Android 15, independientemente de targetSdkVersion de la app.

Funcionalidad principal

Android 15 modifica o amplía varias funciones principales del sistema Android.

Cambios en los servicios en primer plano

We are making the following changes to foreground services with Android 15.

Data sync foreground service timeout behavior

Android 15 introduce un nuevo comportamiento de tiempo de espera en dataSync para las apps orientadas a Android 15 (nivel de API 35) o versiones posteriores. Este comportamiento también se aplica al nuevo tipo de servicio en primer plano mediaProcessing.

El sistema permite que los servicios dataSync de una app se ejecuten durante un total de 6 horas en un período de 24 horas, después de lo cual el sistema llama al método Service.onTimeout(int, int) del servicio en ejecución (presentado en Android 15). En este momento, el servicio tiene unos segundos para llamar a Service.stopSelf(). Cuando se llama a Service.onTimeout(), el servicio ya no se considera un servicio en primer plano. Si el servicio no llama a Service.stopSelf(), el sistema arroja una excepción interna. La excepción se registra en Logcat con el siguiente mensaje:

Fatal Exception: "A foreground service of
type dataSync did not stop within its timeout: [component name]"

Para evitar problemas con este cambio de comportamiento, puedes realizar una o más de las siguientes acciones:

  1. Haz que tu servicio implemente el nuevo método Service.onTimeout(int, int). Cuando tu app reciba la devolución de llamada, asegúrate de llamar a stopSelf() en unos pocos segundos. (Si no detienes la app de inmediato, el sistema genera una falla).
  2. Asegúrate de que los servicios dataSync de tu app no se ejecuten durante más de un total de 6 horas en cualquier período de 24 horas (a menos que el usuario interactúe con la app y restablezca el temporizador).
  3. Solo inicia los servicios en primer plano de dataSync como resultado de la interacción directa del usuario. Dado que tu app está en primer plano cuando se inicia el servicio, el servicio tiene seis horas completas después de que la app pasa a segundo plano.
  4. En lugar de usar un servicio en primer plano de dataSync, usa una API alternativa.

Si los servicios en primer plano dataSync de tu app se ejecutaron durante 6 horas en las últimas 24, no puedes iniciar otro servicio en primer plano dataSync a menos que el usuario haya llevado tu app al primer plano (lo que restablece el temporizador). Si intentas iniciar otro servicio en primer plano dataSync, el sistema arrojará una ForegroundServiceStartNotAllowedException con un mensaje de error como "El límite de tiempo ya se agotó para el tipo de servicio en primer plano dataSync".


Para probar el comportamiento de tu app, puedes habilitar los tiempos de espera de sincronización de datos, incluso si tu app no se orienta a Android 15 (siempre que la app se ejecute en un dispositivo Android 15). Para habilitar los tiempos de espera, ejecuta el siguiente comando adb:

adb shell am compat enable FGS_INTRODUCE_TIME_LIMITS your-package-name

También puedes ajustar el tiempo de espera para facilitar la prueba del comportamiento de tu app cuando se alcanza el límite. Para establecer un nuevo período de tiempo de espera, ejecuta el siguiente comando adb:

adb shell device_config put activity_manager data_sync_fgs_timeout_duration duration-in-milliseconds

New media processing foreground service type

Android 15 introduces a new foreground service type, mediaProcessing. This service type is appropriate for operations like transcoding media files. For example, a media app might download an audio file and need to convert it to a different format before playing it. You can use a mediaProcessing foreground service to make sure the conversion continues even while the app is in the background.

The system permits an app's mediaProcessing services to run for a total of 6 hours in a 24-hour period, after which the system calls the running service's Service.onTimeout(int, int) method (introduced in Android 15). At this time, the service has a few seconds to call Service.stopSelf(). If the service does not call Service.stopSelf(), the system throws an internal exception. The exception is logged in Logcat with the following message:

Fatal Exception: "A foreground service of
type mediaProcessing did not stop within its timeout: [component name]"

To avoid having the exception, you can do one of the following:

  1. Have your service implement the new Service.onTimeout(int, int) method. When your app receives the callback, make sure to call stopSelf() within a few seconds. (If you don't stop the app right away, the system generates a failure.)
  2. Make sure your app's mediaProcessing services don't run for more than a total of 6 hours in any 24-hour period (unless the user interacts with the app, resetting the timer).
  3. Only start mediaProcessing foreground services as a result of direct user interaction; since your app is in the foreground when the service starts, your service has the full six hours after the app goes to the background.
  4. Instead of using a mediaProcessing foreground service, use an alternative API, like WorkManager.

If your app's mediaProcessing foreground services have run for 6 hours in the last 24, you cannot start another mediaProcessing foreground service unless the user has brought your app to the foreground (which resets the timer). If you try to start another mediaProcessing foreground service, the system throws ForegroundServiceStartNotAllowedException with an error message like "Time limit already exhausted for foreground service type mediaProcessing".

For more information about the mediaProcessing service type, see Changes to foreground service types for Android 15: Media processing.


To test your app's behavior, you can enable media processing timeouts even if your app is not targeting Android 15 (as long as the app is running on an Android 15 device). To enable timeouts, run the following adb command:

adb shell am compat enable FGS_INTRODUCE_TIME_LIMITS your-package-name

You can also adjust the timeout period, to make it easier to test how your app behaves when the limit is reached. To set a new timeout period, run the following adb command:

adb shell device_config put activity_manager media_processing_fgs_timeout_duration duration-in-milliseconds

Restrictions on BOOT_COMPLETED broadcast receivers launching foreground services

There are new restrictions on BOOT_COMPLETED broadcast receivers launching foreground services. BOOT_COMPLETED receivers are not allowed to launch the following types of foreground services:

If a BOOT_COMPLETED receiver tries to launch any of those types of foreground services, the system throws ForegroundServiceStartNotAllowedException.


To test your app's behavior, you can enable these new restrictions even if your app is not targeting Android 15 (as long as the app is running on an Android 15 device). Run the following adb command:

adb shell am compat enable FGS_BOOT_COMPLETED_RESTRICTIONS your-package-name

To send a BOOT_COMPLETED broadcast without restarting the device, run the following adb command:

adb shell am broadcast -a android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED your-package-name

Restrictions on starting foreground services while an app holds the SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW permission

Previously, if an app held the SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW permission, it could launch a foreground service even if the app was currently in the background (as discussed in exemptions from background start restrictions).

If an app targets Android 15, this exemption is now narrower. The app now needs to have the SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW permission and also have a visible overlay window. That is, the app needs to first launch a TYPE_APPLICATION_OVERLAY window and the window needs to be visible before you start a foreground service.

If your app attempts to start a foreground service from the background without meeting these new requirements (and it does not have some other exemption), the system throws ForegroundServiceStartNotAllowedException.

If your app declares the SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW permission and launches foreground services from the background, it may be affected by this change. If your app gets a ForegroundServiceStartNotAllowedException, check your app's order of operations and make sure your app already has an active overlay window before it attempts to start a foreground service from the background. You can check if your overlay window is currently visible by calling View.getWindowVisibility(), or you can override View.onWindowVisibilityChanged() to get notified whenever the visibility changes.


To test your app's behavior, you can enable these new restrictions even if your app is not targeting Android 15 (as long as the app is running on an Android 15 device). To enable these new restrictions on starting foreground services from the background, run the following adb command:

adb shell am compat enable FGS_SAW_RESTRICTIONS your-package-name

Se modificaron los momentos en que las apps pueden modificar el estado global del modo No interrumpir.

Las apps que se orientan a Android 15 (nivel de API 35) y versiones posteriores ya no pueden cambiar el estado o la política globales de No interrumpir (ND) en un dispositivo (ya sea modificando la configuración del usuario o desactivando el modo ND). En su lugar, las apps deben contribuir con un AutomaticZenRule, que el sistema combina en una política global con el esquema existente de política más restrictiva. Las llamadas a las APIs existentes que antes afectaban el estado global (setInterruptionFilter, setNotificationPolicy) generan la creación o actualización de un AutomaticZenRule implícito, que se activa o desactiva según el ciclo de llamadas de esas llamadas a la API.

Ten en cuenta que este cambio solo afecta el comportamiento observable si la app llama a setInterruptionFilter(INTERRUPTION_FILTER_ALL) y espera que esa llamada desactive un AutomaticZenRule que sus propietarios activaron anteriormente.

Cambios en la API de OpenJDK

Android 15 continúa la tarea de actualizar las bibliotecas principales de Android para alinearlas con las funciones de las versiones más recientes de LTS de OpenJDK.

Algunos de estos cambios pueden afectar la compatibilidad de las apps orientadas a Android 15 (nivel de API 35):

  • Cambios en las APIs de formato de cadenas: La validación del índice de argumentos, las marcas, la precisión y el ancho ahora es más estricta cuando se usan las siguientes APIs de String.format() y Formatter.format():

    Por ejemplo, se genera la siguiente excepción cuando se usa un índice de argumento de 0 (%0 en la cadena de formato):

    IllegalFormatArgumentIndexException: Illegal format argument index = 0

    En este caso, el problema se puede solucionar con un índice de argumento de 1 (%1 en la cadena de formato).

  • Cambios en el tipo de componente de Arrays.asList(...).toArray(): Cuando se usa Arrays.asList(...).toArray(), el tipo de componente del array resultante ahora es Object, no el tipo de los elementos del array subyacente. Por lo tanto, el siguiente código arroja un ClassCastException:

    String[] elements = (String[]) Arrays.asList("one", "two").toArray();

    En este caso, para conservar String como el tipo de componente en el array resultante, puedes usar Collection.toArray(Object[]) en su lugar:

    String[] elements = Arrays.asList("two", "one").toArray(new String[0]);
  • Cambios en el manejo de códigos de idioma: Cuando se usa la API de Locale, los códigos de idioma para hebreo, yiddish e indonesio ya no se convierten a sus formas obsoletas (hebreo: iw, yiddish: ji e indonesio: in). Cuando especifiques el código de idioma de una de estas configuraciones regionales, usa los códigos de ISO 639-1 (hebreo: he, yiddish: yi e indonesio: id).

  • Cambios en las secuencias de int aleatorias: Después de los cambios realizados en, los siguientes métodos Random.ints() ahora muestran una secuencia de números diferente a la de los métodos Random.nextInt():

    Por lo general, este cambio no debería provocar un comportamiento que interrumpa la app, pero tu código no debería esperar que la secuencia generada a partir de los métodos Random.ints() coincida con Random.nextInt().

La nueva API de SequencedCollection puede afectar la compatibilidad de tu app después de que actualices compileSdk en la configuración de compilación de tu app para usar Android 15 (nivel de API 35):

  • Colisión con las funciones de extensión MutableList.removeFirst() y MutableList.removeLast() en kotlin-stdlib

    El tipo List en Java se asigna al tipo MutableList en Kotlin. Debido a que las APIs de List.removeFirst() y List.removeLast() se introdujeron en Android 15 (nivel de API 35), el compilador de Kotlin resuelve las llamadas a función, por ejemplo, list.removeFirst(), de forma estática a las nuevas APIs de List en lugar de a las funciones de extensión en kotlin-stdlib.

    Si una app se vuelve a compilar con compileSdk establecido en 35 y minSdk establecido en 34 o una versión anterior, y luego se ejecuta en Android 14 y versiones anteriores, se genera un error de tiempo de ejecución:

    java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No virtual method
    removeFirst()Ljava/lang/Object; in class Ljava/util/ArrayList;

    La opción de lint NewApi existente en el complemento de Android para Gradle puede detectar estos nuevos usos de la API.

    ./gradlew lint
    MainActivity.kt:41: Error: Call requires API level 35 (current min is 34): java.util.List#removeFirst [NewApi]

    Para corregir la excepción de tiempo de ejecución y los errores de lint, las llamadas a las funciones removeFirst() y removeLast() se pueden reemplazar por removeAt(0) y removeAt(list.lastIndex), respectivamente, en Kotlin. Si usas Android Studio Ladybug | 2024.1.3 o versiones posteriores, también proporciona una opción de solución rápida para estos errores.

    Considera quitar @SuppressLint("NewApi") y lintOptions { disable 'NewApi' } si se inhabilitó la opción lint.

  • Colisión con otros métodos en Java

    Se agregaron métodos nuevos a los tipos existentes, por ejemplo, List y Deque. Es posible que estos métodos nuevos no sean compatibles con los métodos que tienen el mismo nombre y los mismos tipos de argumentos en otras interfaces y clases. En el caso de una colisión de firma de método con incompatibilidad, el compilador javac muestra un error de tiempo de compilación. Por ejemplo:

    Ejemplo de error 1:

    javac error: removeLast() in MyList cannot implement removeLast() in List
      public void removeLast() {
      return type void is not compatible with Object
      where E is a type-variable:
        E extends Object declared in interface List

    Ejemplo de error 2:

    javac error: types Deque<Object> and List<Object> are incompatible;
    public class MyList implements  List<Object>, Deque<Object> {
      both define reversed(), but with unrelated return types
    1 error

    Ejemplo de error 3:

    javac error: types List<E#1> and MyInterface<E#2> are incompatible;
    public static class MyList implements List<Object>, MyInterface<Object> {
      class MyList inherits unrelated defaults for getFirst() from types List and MyInterface
      where E#1,E#2 are type-variables:
        E#1 extends Object declared in interface List
        E#2 extends Object declared in interface MyInterface
    1 error

    Para corregir estos errores de compilación, la clase que implementa estas interfaces debe reemplazar el método con un tipo de devolución compatible. Por ejemplo:

    public Object getFirst() {
        return List.super.getFirst();


Android 15 incluye cambios que promueven la seguridad del sistema para ayudar a proteger a las apps y a los usuarios de las apps maliciosas.

Inicios de actividades en segundo plano seguros

Android 15 protects users from malicious apps and gives them more control over their devices by adding changes that prevent malicious background apps from bringing other apps to the foreground, elevating their privileges, and abusing user interaction. Background activity launches have been restricted since Android 10 (API level 29).

Other changes

In addition to the restriction for UID matching, these other changes are also included:

  • Change PendingIntent creators to block background activity launches by default. This helps prevent apps from accidentally creating a PendingIntent that could be abused by malicious actors.
  • Don't bring an app to the foreground unless the PendingIntent sender allows it. This change aims to prevent malicious apps from abusing the ability to start activities in the background. By default, apps are not allowed to bring the task stack to the foreground unless the creator allows background activity launch privileges or the sender has background activity launch privileges.
  • Control how the top activity of a task stack can finish its task. If the top activity finishes a task, Android will go back to whichever task was last active. Moreover, if a non-top activity finishes its task, Android will go back to the home screen; it won't block the finish of this non-top activity.
  • Prevent launching arbitrary activities from other apps into your own task. This change prevents malicious apps from phishing users by creating activities that appear to be from other apps.
  • Block non-visible windows from being considered for background activity launches. This helps prevent malicious apps from abusing background activity launches to display unwanted or malicious content to users.

Intents más seguros

Android 15 introduces new optional security measures to make intents safer and more robust. These changes are aimed at preventing potential vulnerabilities and misuse of intents that can be exploited by malicious apps. There are two main improvements to the security of intents in Android 15:

  • Match target intent-filters: Intents that target specific components must accurately match the target's intent-filter specifications. If you send an intent to launch another app's activity, the target intent component needs to align with the receiving activity's declared intent-filters.
  • Intents must have actions: Intents without an action will no longer match any intent-filters. This means that intents used to start activities or services must have a clearly defined action.

In order to check how your app responds to these changes, use StrictMode in your app. To see detailed logs about Intent usage violations, add the following method:


fun onCreate() {


public void onCreate() {
    StrictMode.setVmPolicy(new VmPolicy.Builder()

Experiencia del usuario y IU del sistema

Android 15 incluye algunos cambios que tienen como objetivo crear una experiencia del usuario más intuitiva y coerente.

Cambios en la inserción de ventana

There are two changes related to window insets in Android 15: edge-to-edge is enforced by default, and there are also configuration changes, such as the default configuration of system bars.

Edge-to-edge enforcement

Apps are edge-to-edge by default on devices running Android 15 if the app is targeting Android 15 (API level 35).

An app that targets Android 14 and is not edge-to-edge on an Android 15 device.

An app that targets Android 15 (API level 35) and is edge-to-edge on an Android 15 device. This app mostly uses Material 3 Compose Components that automatically apply insets. This screen is not negatively impacted by the Android 15 edge-to-edge enforcement.

This is a breaking change that might negatively impact your app's UI. The changes affect the following UI areas:

  • Gesture handle navigation bar
    • Transparent by default.
    • Bottom offset is disabled so content draws behind the system navigation bar unless insets are applied.
    • setNavigationBarColor and R.attr#navigationBarColor are deprecated and don't affect gesture navigation.
    • setNavigationBarContrastEnforced and R.attr#navigationBarContrastEnforced continue to have no effect on gesture navigation.
  • 3-button navigation
    • Opacity set to 80% by default, with color possibly matching the window background.
    • Bottom offset disabled so content draws behind the system navigation bar unless insets are applied.
    • setNavigationBarColor and R.attr#navigationBarColor are set to match the window background by default. The window background must be a color drawable for this default to apply. This API is deprecated but continues to affect 3-button navigation.
    • setNavigationBarContrastEnforced and R.attr#navigationBarContrastEnforced is true by default, which adds an 80% opaque background across 3-button navigation.
  • Status bar
    • Transparent by default.
    • The top offset is disabled so content draws behind the status bar unless insets are applied.
    • setStatusBarColor and R.attr#statusBarColor are deprecated and have no effect on Android 15.
    • setStatusBarContrastEnforced and R.attr#statusBarContrastEnforced are deprecated but still have an effect on Android 15.
  • Display cutout
    • layoutInDisplayCutoutMode of non-floating windows must be LAYOUT_IN_DISPLAY_CUTOUT_MODE_ALWAYS. SHORT_EDGES, NEVER, and DEFAULT are interpreted as ALWAYS so that users don't see a black bar caused by the display cutout and appear edge-to-edge.

The following example shows an app before and after targeting Android 15 (API level 35), and before and after applying insets.

An app that targets Android 14 and is not edge-to-edge on an Android 15 device.
An app that targets Android 15 (API level 35) and is edge-to-edge on an Android 15 device. However, many elements are now hidden by the status bar, 3-button navigation bar, or display cutout due to the Android 15 edge-to-edge enforcements. Hidden UI includes the Material 2 top app bar, floating action buttons, and list items.
An app that targets Android 15 (API level 35), is edge to edge on an Android 15 device and applies insets so that UI is not hidden.
What to check if your app is already edge-to-edge

If your app is already edge-to-edge and applies insets, you are mostly unimpacted, except in the following scenarios. However, even if you think you aren't impacted, we recommend you test your app.

  • You have a non-floating window, such as an Activity that uses SHORT_EDGES, NEVER or DEFAULT instead of LAYOUT_IN_DISPLAY_CUTOUT_MODE_ALWAYS. If your app crashes on launch, this might be due to your splashscreen. You can either upgrade the core splashscreen dependency to 1.2.0-alpha01 or later or set window.attributes.layoutInDisplayCutoutMode = WindowManager.LayoutInDisplayCutoutMode.always.
  • There might be lower-traffic screens with occluded UI. Verify these less-visited screens don't have occluded UI. Lower-traffic screens include:
    • Onboarding or sign-in screens
    • Settings pages
What to check if your app is not already edge-to-edge

If your app is not already edge-to-edge, you are most likely impacted. In addition to the scenarios for apps that are already edge-to-edge, you should consider the following:

  • If your app uses Material 3 Components ( androidx.compose.material3) in compose, such as TopAppBar, BottomAppBar, and NavigationBar, these components are likely not impacted because they automatically handle insets.
  • If your app is using Material 2 Components ( androidx.compose.material) in Compose, these components don't automatically handle insets. However, you can get access to the insets and apply them manually. In androidx.compose.material 1.6.0 and later, use the windowInsets parameter to apply the insets manually for BottomAppBar, TopAppBar, BottomNavigation, and NavigationRail. Likewise, use the contentWindowInsets parameter for Scaffold.
  • If your app uses views and Material Components (, most views-based Material Components such as BottomNavigationView, BottomAppBar, NavigationRailView, or NavigationView, handle insets and require no additional work. However, you need to add android:fitsSystemWindows="true" if using AppBarLayout.
  • For custom composables, apply the insets manually as padding. If your content is within a Scaffold, you can consume insets using the Scaffold padding values. Otherwise, apply padding using one of the WindowInsets.
  • If your app is using views and BottomSheet, SideSheet or custom containers, apply padding using ViewCompat.setOnApplyWindowInsetsListener. For RecyclerView, apply padding using this listener and also add clipToPadding="false".
What to check if your app must offer custom background protection

If your app must offer custom background protection to 3-button navigation or the status bar, your app should place a composable or view behind the system bar using WindowInsets.Type#tappableElement() to get the 3-button navigation bar height or WindowInsets.Type#statusBars.

Additional edge-to-edge resources

See the Edge to Edge Views and Edge to Edge Compose guides for additional considerations on applying insets.

Deprecated APIs

The following APIs are deprecated but not disabled:

The following APIs are deprecated and disabled:

Stable configuration

Si tu app está orientada a Android 15 (nivel de API 35) o versiones posteriores, Configuration ya no excluye las barras del sistema. Si usas el tamaño de pantalla en la clase Configuration para el cálculo del diseño, debes reemplazarlo por mejores alternativas, como un ViewGroup, WindowInsets o WindowMetricsCalculator apropiados según tus necesidades.

Configuration está disponible desde la API 1. Por lo general, se obtiene de Activity.onConfigurationChanged. Proporciona información como la densidad, orientación y tamaño de la ventana. Una característica importante de los tamaños de ventana que se muestran desde Configuration es que anteriormente excluía las barras del sistema.

El tamaño de configuración suele usarse para la selección de recursos, como /res/layout-h500dp, y este sigue siendo un caso de uso válido. Sin embargo, siempre se desaconsejó su uso para el cálculo del diseño. Si es así, debes alejarte ahora. Debes reemplazar el uso de Configuration por algo más adecuado según tu caso de uso.

Si lo usas para calcular el diseño, usa un ViewGroup adecuado, como CoordinatorLayout o ConstraintLayout. Si lo usas para determinar la altura de la barra de navegación del sistema, usa WindowInsets. Si quieres conocer el tamaño actual de la ventana de tu app, usa computeCurrentWindowMetrics.

En la siguiente lista, se describen los campos afectados por este cambio:

El atributo elegantTextHeight tiene el valor predeterminado de verdadero.

For apps targeting Android 15 (API level 35), the elegantTextHeight TextView attribute becomes true by default, replacing the compact font used by default with some scripts that have large vertical metrics with one that is much more readable. The compact font was introduced to prevent breaking layouts; Android 13 (API level 33) prevents many of these breakages by allowing the text layout to stretch the vertical height utilizing the fallbackLineSpacing attribute.

In Android 15, the compact font still remains in the system, so your app can set elegantTextHeight to false to get the same behavior as before, but it is unlikely to be supported in upcoming releases. So, if your app supports the following scripts: Arabic, Lao, Myanmar, Tamil, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Odia, Telugu or Thai, test your app by setting elegantTextHeight to true.

elegantTextHeight behavior for apps targeting Android 14 (API level 34) and lower.
elegantTextHeight behavior for apps targeting Android 15.

Cambios en el ancho de TextView para formas de letras complejas

In previous versions of Android, some cursive fonts or languages that have complex shaping might draw the letters in the previous or next character's area. In some cases, such letters were clipped at the beginning or ending position. Starting in Android 15, a TextView allocates width for drawing enough space for such letters and allows apps to request extra paddings to the left to prevent clipping.

Because this change affects how a TextView decides the width, TextView allocates more width by default if the app targets Android 15 (API level 35) or higher. You can enable or disable this behavior by calling the setUseBoundsForWidth API on TextView.

Because adding left padding might cause a misalignment for existing layouts, the padding is not added by default even for apps that target Android 15 or higher. However, you can add extra padding to preventing clipping by calling setShiftDrawingOffsetForStartOverhang.

The following examples show how these changes can improve text layout for some fonts and languages.

Standard layout for English text in a cursive font. Some of the letters are clipped. Here is the corresponding XML:

    android:text="java" />
Layout for the same English text with additional width and padding. Here is the corresponding XML:

    android:shiftDrawingOffsetForStartOverhang="true" />
Standard layout for Thai text. Some of the letters are clipped. Here is the corresponding XML:

    android:text="คอมพิวเตอร์" />
Layout for the same Thai text with additional width and padding. Here is the corresponding XML:

    android:shiftDrawingOffsetForStartOverhang="true" />

Altura de línea predeterminada que se adapta a la configuración regional para EditText

In previous versions of Android, the text layout stretched the height of the text to meet the line height of the font that matched the current locale. For example, if the content was in Japanese, because the line height of the Japanese font is slightly larger than the one of a Latin font, the height of the text became slightly larger. However, despite these differences in line heights, the EditText element was sized uniformly, regardless of the locale being used, as illustrated in the following image:

Three boxes representing EditText elements that can contain text from English (en), Japanese (ja), and Burmese (my). The height of the EditText is the same, even though these languages have different line heights from each other.

For apps targeting Android 15 (API level 35), a minimum line height is now reserved for EditText to match the reference font for the specified Locale, as shown in the following image:

Three boxes representing EditText elements that can contain text from English (en), Japanese (ja), and Burmese (my). The height of the EditText now includes space to accommodate the default line height for these languages' fonts.

If needed, your app can restore the previous behavior by specifying the useLocalePreferredLineHeightForMinimum attribute to false, and your app can set custom minimum vertical metrics using the setMinimumFontMetrics API in Kotlin and Java.

Cámara y contenido multimedia

Android 15 realiza los siguientes cambios en el comportamiento de la cámara y el contenido multimedia para las apps orientadas a Android 15 o versiones posteriores.

Restricciones para solicitar el foco de audio

Las apps que se orientan a Android 15 (nivel de API 35) deben ser la app principal o ejecutar un servicio en primer plano para solicitar el enfoque de audio. Si una app intenta solicitar el enfoque cuando no cumple con uno de estos requisitos, la llamada muestra AUDIOFOCUS_REQUEST_FAILED.

Puedes obtener más información sobre el enfoque de audio en Administra el enfoque de audio.

Actualización de restricciones que no pertenecen al SDK

Android 15 includes updated lists of restricted non-SDK interfaces based on collaboration with Android developers and the latest internal testing. Whenever possible, we make sure that public alternatives are available before we restrict non-SDK interfaces.

If your app does not target Android 15, some of these changes might not immediately affect you. However, while it's possible for your app to access some non-SDK interfaces depending on your app's target API level, using any non-SDK method or field always carries a high risk of breaking your app.

If you are unsure if your app uses non-SDK interfaces, you can test your app to find out. If your app relies on non-SDK interfaces, you should begin planning a migration to SDK alternatives. Nevertheless, we understand that some apps have valid use cases for using non-SDK interfaces. If you can't find an alternative to using a non-SDK interface for a feature in your app, you should request a new public API.

To learn more about the changes in this release of Android, see Updates to non-SDK interface restrictions in Android 15. To learn more about non-SDK interfaces generally, see Restrictions on non-SDK interfaces.