Android 16 面向开发者引入了一些出色的新功能和 API。以下部分总结了这些功能,可帮助您开始使用相关 API。
Android 包含可扩展 Android 系统核心功能的新 API。
2025 年发布两个 Android API
- This preview is for the next major release of Android with a planned launch in Q2 of 2025. This release is similar to all of our API releases in the past, where we can have planned behavior changes that are often tied to a targetSdkVersion.
- We're planning the major release a quarter earlier (Q2 rather than Q3 in prior years) to better align with the schedule of device launches across our ecosystem, so more devices can get the major release of Android sooner. With the major release coming in Q2, you'll need to do your annual compatibility testing a few months earlier than in previous years to make sure your apps are ready.
- We plan to have another release in Q4 of 2025 which also will include new developer APIs. The Q2 major release will be the only release in 2025 to include planned behavior changes that could affect apps.
In addition to new developer APIs, the Q4 minor release will pick up feature updates, optimizations, and bug fixes; it will not include any app-impacting behavior changes.
We'll continue to have quarterly Android releases. The Q1 and Q3 updates in-between the API releases will provide incremental updates to help ensure continuous quality. We're actively working with our device partners to bring the Q2 release to as many devices as possible.
Using new APIs with major and minor releases
Guarding a code block with a check for API level is done today using
constant with
. This will continue
to be supported for major Android releases.
// Use APIs introduced in Android 16
constant can be used for API checks against both major and minor versions with
// Use APIs introduced in a major or minor release
You can also use the
method to get just the minor SDK version.
val minorSdkVersion = Build.getMinorSdkVersion(VERSION_CODES_FULL.BAKLAVA)
These APIs have not yet been finalized and are subject to change, so please send us feedback if you have any concerns.
Android 16 让应用开发者和用户可以更好地控制和灵活地配置设备,以满足他们的需求。
Android 16 adds new APIs to help you enable predictive back system animations in
gesture navigation such as the back-to-home animation. Registering the
with the new
allows your app to
receive the regular onBackInvoked
call whenever the
system handles a back navigation without impacting the normal back navigation
Android 16 additionally adds the
. By registering these callbacks
with the OnBackInvokedDispatcher
, the system can trigger
specific behaviors and play corresponding ahead-of-time animations when the back
gesture is invoked.
Android has exposed control over the haptic actuator ever since its inception.
Android 11 added support for more complex haptic effects that more advanced
actuators could support through
of device-defined semantic
Android 16 adds haptic APIs that let apps define the amplitude and frequency curves of a haptic effect while abstracting away differences between device capabilities.
Android 16 引入了一些 API,可帮助您收集有关应用的数据分析。
added in Android 15, giving apps the ability to
request profiling data collection using Perfetto on public devices in the field.
However, since this profiling must be started from the app, critical flows such
as startups or ANRs would be difficult or impossible for apps to capture.
To help with this, Android 16 introduces system-triggered profiling to
. Apps can register interest in receiving traces for certain
triggers such as cold start reportFullyDrawn
or ANRs, and then the system starts and stops a trace on the app's behalf. After
the trace completes, the results are delivered to the app's data directory.
在 ApplicationStartInfo 中启动组件
was added in Android
15, allowing an app to see reasons
for process start, start type, start times, throttling, and other useful
diagnostic data. Android 16 adds
to distinguish what component type triggered the start, which can be helpful for
optimizing the startup flow of your app.
API 会返回作业可能处于待处理状态的原因。不过,作业处于待处理状态的原因可能有多种。
在 Android 16 中,我们引入了一个新 API JobScheduler#getPendingJobReasons(int jobId)
,该 API 会返回作业处于待处理状态的多种原因,包括开发者设置的显式约束条件和系统设置的隐式约束条件。
我们还引入了 JobScheduler#getPendingJobReasonsHistory(int jobId)
我们建议您使用该 API 来调试作业可能无法执行的原因,尤其是在您发现某些任务的成功率降低或某些作业完成延迟存在 bug 时。例如,未能在后台更新微件,或在应用启动之前未能调用预加载作业。
Android 15 中引入的自适应刷新率 (ARR) 可让受支持硬件上的显示屏刷新率使用离散的 VSync 步长来适应内容帧速率。这不仅降低了功耗,还无需进行可能导致卡顿的模式切换。
Android 16 引入了 hasArrSupport()
和 getSuggestedFrameRate(int)
,同时恢复了 getSupportedRefreshRates()
,以便您的应用更轻松地利用 ARR。RecyclerView 1.4 在从快速滑动或平滑滚动中稳定下来时会在内部支持 ARR,我们将继续努力,将 ARR 支持添加到更多 Jetpack 库中。这篇帧速率文章介绍了许多可用于设置帧速率的 API,以便您的应用可以直接使用 ARR。
Android 16 更新了平台,让您的应用可以使用通信和无线技术的最新进展。
Android 16 在搭载 Wi-Fi 6 的 802.11az 的受支持设备上为 Wi-Fi 位置信息添加了对强大的安全功能的支持,让应用能够将该协议的更高精确性、更高可伸缩性和动态调度与安全增强功能(包括基于 AES-256 的加密和防范中间人攻击)相结合。这样,在近距离使用情形(例如解锁笔记本电脑或车门)时,便可更安全地使用该功能。802.11az 与 Wi-Fi 6 标准集成,可利用其基础架构和功能实现更广泛的采用和更轻松的部署。
Android 16 包含多种用于改进媒体体验的功能。
The photo picker provides a safe, built-in way for users to grant your app access to selected images and videos from both local and cloud storage, instead of their entire media library. Using a combination of Modular System Components through Google System Updates and Google Play services, it's supported back to Android 4.4 (API level 19). Integration requires just a few lines of code with the associated Android Jetpack library.
Android 16 includes the following improvements to the photo picker:
- Embedded photo picker: New APIs that enable apps to embed the photo picker into their view hierarchy. This allows it to feel like a more integrated part of the app while still leveraging the process isolation that allows users to select media without the app needing overly broad permissions. To maximize compatibility across platform versions and simplify your integration, you'll want to use the forthcoming Android Jetpack library if you want to integrate the embedded photo picker.
- Cloud search in photo picker: New APIs that enable searching from the cloud media provider for the Android photo picker. Search functionality in the photo picker is coming soon.
Android 16 包含多种功能,可帮助应用开发者保护用户隐私。
开发者预览版中的 Health Connect 新增了 ACTIVITY_INTENSITY
Health Connect 还包含支持健康记录的更新版 API。这样一来,应用便可以在征得用户明确同意的情况下,以 FHIR 格式读取和写入医疗记录。此 API 目前处于抢先体验计划阶段。如果您想参与,请报名参加抢先体验计划。
Privacy Sandbox on Android
Android 16 incorporates the latest version of the Privacy Sandbox on Android, part of our ongoing work to develop technologies where users know their privacy is protected. Our website has more about the Privacy Sandbox on Android developer beta program to help you get started. Check out the SDK Runtime which allows SDKs to run in a dedicated runtime environment separate from the app they are serving, providing stronger safeguards around user data collection and sharing.