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Media3으로 이전
독립형 ExoPlayer 라이브러리, MediaCompat 또는 Jetpack Media2와 같은 이전 API를 사용하나요? 이전 가이드를 따르고 이전 스크립트를 사용하여 Media3을 쉽게 이전하세요.
Jetpack Media3으로 이전하는 이유
- ExoPlayer, MediaSession 및 MediaController API를 업데이트했습니다.
- 새 Transformer API로 수정
- MediaCompat API와 하위 호환
하이라이트 콘텐츠
Ultra HDR images
Updated 2024년 11월 14일
Our next episode of #AndroidBuildTime is here, and this time we're talking about Ultra HDR images! Tune in to hear from the team at Google Drive and the Android platform team about new capabilities in Ultra HDR. Link to podcast →
Complement your media editing pipeline with Jetpack Media3
Updated 2024년 9월 17일
In this video, Developer Relations Engineer Nevin Mital will start with a quick overview of Jetpack Media3, then we’ll dive specifically into the APIs offered by Transformer, and lastly, Nevin will describe how you could incrementally start including
How to build engaging Android Media & Camera experiences
Updated 2024년 5월 16일
Discover the latest developer solutions in the Android media and camera suite to help you maximize users’ entertainment experiences. Explore the latest feature launches for social media apps, Android and device updates, and new API improvements in
What’s new in Jetpack Compose at I/O ‘24
Updated 2024년 5월 14일
Note: An earlier version of this post listed the changes coming to Compose as being in the \ release. This release will now be in July and we have updated this post accordingly. At Google I/O 2024, we announced the upcoming July ‘24 Jetpack Compose
Embracing Android 14: Meta's Early Adoption Empowered Enhanced User Experience
Updated 2024년 3월 4일
With the first Developer Preview of Android 15 now released, another new Android release that brings new features and under-the-hood improvements for billions of users worldwide will be coming shortly. As Android developers, you are key players in
Cloud photos now available in the Android photo picker
Updated 2024년 2월 13일
Our photo picker has always been the gateway to your local media library, providing a secure, date-sorted interface for users to grant apps access to selected images and videos. But now, we're taking it a step further by integrating cloud photos from
What's new with Google Cast?
Updated 2024년 1월 9일
Since we launched Google Cast in 2013, we've been working to bring casting capabilities to more apps and devices. We have come a long way. Now, users can cast to many new devices, like TVs, speakers, smart displays, and even the latest Pixel Tablet.
Android 14 is live in AOSP
Updated 2023년 10월 4일
Today we're releasing Android 14 and pushing the Android 14 source to the Android Open Source Project (AOSP). Android 14 is designed to improve your productivity as developers while enhancing performance, privacy, security, and customization for
Choosing the right storage experience
Updated 2023년 8월 10일
The upcoming stable release of Android 14 is fast approaching. Now is a great time to test your app with this new release’s changes if you haven’t done so already. With Platform Stability, you can even submit apps targeting SDK 34 to the Google Play
CameraX CameraController
Updated 2023년 6월 29일
Watch the full video → Catch more fromCameraX Foundations → Subscribe to Android Developers → #Featured #Camera #CameraX
Developers guide to Pixel Fold and Pixel Tablet: get your app large screen ready
Updated 2023년 6월 15일
At Google I/O we announced that Pixel Tablet and Pixel Fold are joining our Pixel family of devices. With pre-orders ongoing, now is the time to update your applications to work great on these devices! This blog covers two topics: what makes Pixel
Building high quality Android camera experiences
Updated 2023년 5월 10일
Learn what’s new in Android Camera and how to bring premium capabilities to your users, including Night & HDR capture, optimized zoom, zero shutter lag, CameraX, Extensions API updates, foldable compatibility, and more. Hear how top Android apps
Creating high-quality Android media experiences
Updated 2023년 5월 10일
Maximize the quality of your audio and video experiences on Android. Learn about the latest developments in Android media, including spatial audio, HDR video, HDR images, and Performance Class 14. Next, explore the 1.0 release of the new Jetpack
Delivering an immersive sound experience with Spatial Audio
Updated 2023년 4월 20일
In Android 13 (API level 33), we introduced a new standardized platform architecture for spatial audio, a premium and more engaging sound experience. With spatial audio, your content sounds more realistic to users by making it sound as though they
CameraX setup and permissions
Updated 2023년 4월 10일
In this video, we’ll create an Android Studio project for a simple CameraX app that shows a camera preview and can take a photo. This video focuses on the app setup and requesting the necessary permissions. In the next videos, we’ll finish the app by
CameraX CameraProvider basics
Updated 2023년 4월 10일
This video explains how to implement Preview and ImageCapture with CameraX’s ProcessCameraProvider class. This video is part of the CameraX Foundations series, so if you have seen the previous videos, follow these links to get started: CameraX
Media3 is ready to play!
Updated 2023년 3월 23일
Today, we’re pleased to announce the full release of the Jetpack Media3 library. After sharing a first look at the library at Android Developer Summit 2021, we published several alpha and beta releases over the past several months to ensure a
Introducing Camera Viewfinder
Updated 2022년 11월 21일
As a developer, you want to leverage camera capabilities in your app, so you decide to adopt the Android Camera Framework. The first use case you want to implement is the Preview use case, which shows the output of the camera sensor on the screen. So
Improving your social experience quality with Android Camera
Updated 2022년 11월 15일
In this session, we explore new framework innovations to improve quality, improve latency and create innovative experiences with Android Camera. Resources: Camera2 → CameraX → Speaker: Mozart Louis
HDR 10-bit: Capture, playback, and sharing 10-bit video
Updated 2022년 11월 14일
Take a dive into HDR video and discuss the process from end-to-end, including video capture, editing, playback, and sharing. Specific topics include the new Media3 Transformer API for editing, displaying graphics on SurfaceView for playback, and any
Building media apps on Wear OS
Updated 2022년 11월 10일
In this talk you will learn how to build a high quality Media app on Wear OS. We will first go through the Core User Journeys for media apps to outline what to build; we will then discuss how to ease the development by adopting our newly released
Better Device Compatibility with CameraX
Updated 2022년 10월 26일
In this post, we’ll look at three ways CameraX makes developers’ lives easier when it comes to device compatibility. First, we’ll take a peek into our CameraX Test Lab where we test over 150 physical phones every day. Second, we’ll look at Quirks,
Android 13 is in AOSP!
Updated 2022년 8월 15일
Today we’re pushing the Android 13 source to the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) and officially releasing the newest version of Android. For developers, Android 13 is focused on our core themes of privacy and security as well as developer
What's new in Android Camera
Updated 2022년 5월 12일
A camera is one of the top reasons consumers purchase phones and devices. Explore the latest in Android Camera and upcoming launches. Learn best practices when using Android Camera and how to bring delightful experiences to users. Discover successful
Using performance class to optimize your user experience
Updated 2022년 3월 24일
Today we're launching the Jetpack Core Performance library in alpha. This library enables you to easily understand what a device is capable of, and tailor your user experience accordingly. It does this by allowing you to obtain the device’s
What's next for AndroidX Media and ExoPlayer
Updated 2021년 10월 27일
Introducing AndroidX Media3, a new collection of support libraries for media use cases, and the new home for ExoPlayer. Join us to discover how Media3 simplifies the playback app architecture, our plans for making ExoPlayer upgrades easier, and next
What's new in Android Media
Updated 2021년 5월 18일
Listen to a high level overview of everything that's new in Android Media from media features and behavior changes in Android 12 to the new features in ExoPlayer and Oboe. Speaker(s): Karthic Veera, Francois Goldfain Watch more: Android and Play at
What's new in Media
Updated 2020년 8월 20일
In Android 11 we've released a bunch of new media features, including new media controls, playback resumption and seamless transfer. We've also released updated APIs and libraries to make it easy for you, the developer, to build high quality media
Games, Media, and 5G: #11WeeksOfAndroid
Updated 2020년 8월 17일
Game developer updates in a special Game Show episode for Games, Media, and 5G #11WeeksOfAndroid. Resources: Check out the 11 Weeks of Android website → Games on → Games quarterly
Games and Media week preview
Updated 2020년 8월 17일
Introduction to Week 10 of 11 Weeks of Android: Games and Media. Resources: Check out the 11 Weeks of Android website → Games on → Related Playlists: Games & Media - 11 Weeks of
Android Developer Story: Shifty Jelly — Building a No. 1 Podcasting App
Updated 2015년 6월 8일
Shifty Jelly is an Adelaide based mobile development company that has seen great success building Pocket Casts, a premium podcast manager app. The team has focused heavily on building a best-in-class user experience and on Android they offer a