Android Gradle Plugin 2.3.0 (February 2017)

2.3.3 (June 2017)

This is a minor update that adds compatibility with Android Studio 2.3.3.

2.3.2 (May 2017)

This is a minor update that adds compatibility with Android Studio 2.3.2.

2.3.1 (April 2017)

This is a minor update to Android plugin 2.3.0 that fixes an issue where some physical Android devices did not work properly with Instant Run (see Issue #235879).

Minimum version Default version Notes
Gradle 3.3 3.3 To learn more, see updating Gradle.
SDK Build Tools 25.0.0 25.0.0 Install or configure SDK Build Tools.
  • Uses Gradle 3.3, which includes performance improvements and new features. For more details, see the Gradle release notes.
  • Build cache: stores certain outputs that the Android plugin generates when building your project (such as unpackaged AARs and pre-dexed remote dependencies). Your clean builds are much faster while using the cache because the build system can simply reuse those cached files during subsequent builds, instead of recreating them. Projects using Android plugin 2.3.0 and higher use the build cache by default. To learn more, read Improve Build Speed with Build Cache.
    • Includes a cleanBuildCache task that clears the build cache.
    • If you are using the experimental version of build cache (included in earlier versions of the plugin), you should update your plugin to the latest version.