Keyboard, mouse, and trackpad

Tier 1 large screen ready icon

TIER 1 — Large screen differentiated

Large screen differentiated apps support keyboard, mouse, and trackpad features equivalent to those of web or desktop apps, including:

  • A comprehensive set of keyboard shortcuts in addition to conventional shortcuts such as Ctrl-C for copy and Ctrl-Z for undo
  • Keyboard and mouse or trackpad combinations, such as Ctrl+click or Ctrl+tap and Shift+click or Shift+tap, for enhanced capabilities such as the selection of ranges of adjacent items or multiple separated items
  • Scrollbars while content is being scrolled using a mouse or trackpad
  • Additional content such as fly-out menus or tooltips on mouse or trackpad hover over UI elements
  • Desktop-style menus and context menus
  • UI panels in multipanel layouts that are movable and resizable using a mouse or trackpad
  • Triple clicking or tapping using a mouse or trackpad to select entire lines or paragraphs of text

Next steps

For more information about how to optimize your app's input capabilities, see: