List of Compose modifiers


Scope: Any
<T : Any?> Modifier.anchoredDraggable(
    state: AnchoredDraggableState<T>,
    orientation: Orientation,
    enabled: Boolean,
    reverseDirection: Boolean,
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource?

Enable drag gestures between a set of predefined values.

Scope: Any
    enabled: Boolean,
    onClickLabel: String?,
    role: Role?,
    onClick: () -> Unit

Configure component to receive clicks via input or accessibility "click" event.

Scope: Any
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource,
    indication: Indication?,
    enabled: Boolean,
    onClickLabel: String?,
    role: Role?,
    onClick: () -> Unit

Configure component to receive clicks via input or accessibility "click" event.

Scope: Any
    enabled: Boolean,
    onClickLabel: String?,
    role: Role?,
    onLongClickLabel: String?,
    onLongClick: (() -> Unit)?,
    onDoubleClick: (() -> Unit)?,
    onClick: () -> Unit

Configure component to receive clicks, double clicks and long clicks via input or accessibility "click" event.

Scope: Any
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource,
    indication: Indication?,
    enabled: Boolean,
    onClickLabel: String?,
    role: Role?,
    onLongClickLabel: String?,
    onLongClick: (() -> Unit)?,
    onDoubleClick: (() -> Unit)?,
    onClick: () -> Unit

Configure component to receive clicks, double clicks and long clicks via input or accessibility "click" event.

Scope: Any
    enabled: Boolean,
    onClickLabel: String?,
    role: Role?,
    onClick: MouseClickScope.() -> Unit

Creates modifier similar to Modifier.clickable but provides additional context with information about pressed buttons and keyboard modifiers

Scope: Any
    state: Draggable2DState,
    enabled: Boolean,
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource?,
    startDragImmediately: Boolean,
    onDragStarted: suspend CoroutineScope.(startedPosition: Offset) -> Unit,
    onDragStopped: suspend CoroutineScope.(velocity: Velocity) -> Unit,
    reverseDirection: Boolean

Configure touch dragging for the UI element in both orientations.

Scope: Any
    state: DraggableState,
    orientation: Orientation,
    enabled: Boolean,
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource?,
    startDragImmediately: Boolean,
    onDragStarted: suspend CoroutineScope.(startedPosition: Offset) -> Unit,
    onDragStopped: suspend CoroutineScope.(velocity: Float) -> Unit,
    reverseDirection: Boolean

Configure touch dragging for the UI element in a single Orientation.

Scope: Any

Use this modifier to group a list of selectable items like Tabs or RadioButtons together for accessibility purpose.

Scope: Any
    selected: Boolean,
    enabled: Boolean,
    role: Role?,
    onClick: () -> Unit

Configure component to be selectable, usually as a part of a mutually exclusive group, where only one item can be selected at any point in time.

Scope: Any
    selected: Boolean,
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource,
    indication: Indication?,
    enabled: Boolean,
    role: Role?,
    onClick: () -> Unit

Configure component to be selectable, usually as a part of a mutually exclusive group, where only one item can be selected at any point in time.

Scope: Any
<T : Any?> Modifier. swipeable(
    state: SwipeableState<T>,
    anchors: Map<Float, T>,
    orientation: Orientation,
    enabled: Boolean,
    reverseDirection: Boolean,
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource?,
    thresholds: (from, to) -> ThresholdConfig,
    resistance: ResistanceConfig?,
    velocityThreshold: Dp

This function is deprecated. Material's Swipeable has been replaced by Foundation's AnchoredDraggable APIs.

Scope: Any
<T : Any?> Modifier.swipeable(
    state: SwipeableState<T>,
    anchors: Map<Float, T>,
    orientation: Orientation,
    enabled: Boolean,
    reverseDirection: Boolean,
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource?,
    thresholds: (from, to) -> ThresholdConfig,
    resistance: ResistanceConfig?,
    velocityThreshold: Dp

Enable swipe gestures between a set of predefined states.

Scope: Any
    value: Boolean,
    enabled: Boolean,
    role: Role?,
    onValueChange: (Boolean) -> Unit

Configure component to make it toggleable via input and accessibility events

Scope: Any
    value: Boolean,
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource,
    indication: Indication?,
    enabled: Boolean,
    role: Role?,
    onValueChange: (Boolean) -> Unit

Configure component to make it toggleable via input and accessibility events.

Scope: Any
    state: ToggleableState,
    enabled: Boolean,
    role: Role?,
    onClick: () -> Unit

Configure component to make it toggleable via input and accessibility events with three states: On, Off and Indeterminate.

Scope: Any
    state: ToggleableState,
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource,
    indication: Indication?,
    enabled: Boolean,
    role: Role?,
    onClick: () -> Unit

Configure component to make it toggleable via input and accessibility events with three states: On, Off and Indeterminate.


Scope: RowScope

Align the element vertically within the Row.

Scope: RowScope
Modifier.alignBy(alignmentLineBlock: (Measured) -> Int)

Position the element vertically such that the alignment line for the content as determined by alignmentLineBlock aligns with sibling elements also configured to alignBy.

Scope: RowScope

Position the element vertically such that its alignmentLine aligns with sibling elements also configured to alignBy.

Scope: RowScope

Position the element vertically such that its first baseline aligns with sibling elements also configured to alignByBaseline or alignBy.

Align the element horizontally within the Column.

Modifier.alignBy(alignmentLineBlock: (Measured) -> Int)

Position the element horizontally such that the alignment line for the content as determined by alignmentLineBlock aligns with sibling elements also configured to alignBy.

Position the element horizontally such that its alignmentLine aligns with sibling elements also configured to alignBy.

Scope: BoxScope
Modifier.align(alignment: Alignment)

Pull the content element to a specific Alignment within the Box.


    enter: EnterTransition,
    exit: ExitTransition,
    label: String

animateEnterExit modifier can be used for any direct or indirect children of AnimatedVisibility to create a different enter/exit animation than what's specified in AnimatedVisibility.

This modifier animates the item placement within the Lazy list.

This modifier animates the item placement within the grid.


Scope: Any
Modifier.border(border: BorderStroke, shape: Shape)

Modify element to add border with appearance specified with a border and a shape and clip it.

Scope: Any
Modifier.border(width: Dp, brush: Brush, shape: Shape)

Modify element to add border with appearance specified with a width, a brush and a shape and clip it.

Scope: Any
Modifier.border(width: Dp, color: Color, shape: Shape)

Modify element to add border with appearance specified with a width, a color and a shape and clip it.


Scope: Any
Modifier.alpha(alpha: Float)

Draw content with modified alpha that may be less than 1.

Scope: Any
Modifier.background(color: Color, shape: Shape)

Draws shape with a solid color behind the content.

Scope: Any
    brush: Brush,
    shape: Shape,
    alpha: @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) Float

Draws shape with brush behind the content.

Scope: Any
Modifier.clip(shape: Shape)

Clip the content to shape.

Scope: Any

Clip the content to the bounds of a layer defined at this modifier.

Scope: Any
Modifier.drawBehind(onDraw: DrawScope.() -> Unit)

Draw into a Canvas behind the modified content.

Scope: Any
Modifier.drawWithCache(onBuildDrawCache: CacheDrawScope.() -> DrawResult)

Draw into a DrawScope with content that is persisted across draw calls as long as the size of the drawing area is the same or any state objects that are read have not changed.

Scope: Any

Creates a DrawModifier that allows the developer to draw before or after the layout's contents.

Scope: Any
    interactionSource: InteractionSource,
    indication: Indication?

Draws visual effects for this component when interactions occur.

Scope: Any
    painter: Painter,
    sizeToIntrinsics: Boolean,
    alignment: Alignment,
    contentScale: ContentScale,
    alpha: Float,
    colorFilter: ColorFilter?

Paint the content using painter.

Scope: Any
    elevation: Dp,
    shape: Shape,
    clip: Boolean,
    ambientColor: Color,
    spotColor: Color

Creates a graphicsLayer that draws a shadow.

Scope: Any

Adds padding to accommodate the safe drawing insets.

Scope: Any
Modifier.zIndex(zIndex: Float)

Creates a modifier that controls the drawing order for the children of the same layout parent.


Scope: Any
Modifier.onFocusChanged(onFocusChanged: (FocusState) -> Unit)

Add this modifier to a component to observe focus state events.

Scope: Any
Modifier.onFocusEvent(onFocusEvent: (FocusState) -> Unit)

Add this modifier to a component to observe focus state events.

Scope: Any

This function is deprecated. Replaced by focusTarget

Scope: Any

Add this modifier to a component to make it focusable.

Scope: Any
Modifier. focusOrder(focusOrderReceiver: FocusOrder.() -> Unit)

This function is deprecated. Use focusProperties() instead

Scope: Any
Modifier. focusOrder(focusRequester: FocusRequester)

This function is deprecated. Use focusRequester() instead

Scope: Any
Modifier. focusOrder(
    focusRequester: FocusRequester,
    focusOrderReceiver: FocusOrder.() -> Unit

This function is deprecated. Use focusProperties() and focusRequester() instead

Scope: Any

This modifier allows you to specify properties that are accessible to focusTargets further down the modifier chain or on child layout nodes.

Scope: Any

Add this modifier to a component to request changes to focus.

Scope: Any

This modifier can be used to save and restore focus to a focus group.

Scope: Any

Creates a focus group or marks this component as a focus group.

Scope: Any
    enabled: Boolean,
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource?

Configure component to be focusable via focus system or accessibility "focus" event.

Scope: Any

Calls onPositioned whenever the bounds of the currently-focused area changes.


Scope: Any

A Modifier.Node that makes content draw into a draw layer.

Scope: Any
    scaleX: Float,
    scaleY: Float,
    alpha: Float,
    translationX: Float,
    translationY: Float,
    shadowElevation: Float,
    rotationX: Float,
    rotationY: Float,
    rotationZ: Float,
    cameraDistance: Float,
    transformOrigin: TransformOrigin,
    shape: Shape,
    clip: Boolean,
    renderEffect: RenderEffect?,
    ambientShadowColor: Color,
    spotShadowColor: Color,
    compositingStrategy: CompositingStrategy

A Modifier.Element that makes content draw into a draw layer.

Scope: Any

A Modifier.Element that adds a draw layer such that tooling can identify an element in the drawn image.


Scope: Any
Modifier.onKeyEvent(onKeyEvent: (KeyEvent) -> Boolean)

Adding this modifier to the modifier parameter of a component will allow it to intercept hardware key events when it (or one of its children) is focused.

Scope: Any
Modifier.onPreviewKeyEvent(onPreviewKeyEvent: (KeyEvent) -> Boolean)

Adding this modifier to the modifier parameter of a component will allow it to intercept hardware key events when it (or one of its children) is focused.


Scope: Any
Modifier.layoutId(layoutId: String, tag: String?)

Alternative to androidx.compose.ui.layout.layoutId that enables the use of tag.

Scope: Any
Modifier.layoutId(layoutId: Any)

Tag the element with layoutId to identify the element within its parent.

Scope: Any

Creates a LayoutModifier that allows changing how the wrapped element is measured and laid out.

Scope: Any
    onGloballyPositioned: (LayoutCoordinates) -> Unit

Invoke onGloballyPositioned with the LayoutCoordinates of the element when the global position of the content may have changed.


Scope: Any
Modifier.paddingFrom(alignmentLine: AlignmentLine, before: Dp, after: Dp)

A Modifier that can add padding to position the content according to specified distances from its bounds to an alignment line.

Scope: Any
    alignmentLine: AlignmentLine,
    before: TextUnit,
    after: TextUnit

A Modifier that can add padding to position the content according to specified distances from its bounds to an alignment line.

Scope: Any
Modifier.paddingFromBaseline(top: Dp, bottom: Dp)

A Modifier that positions the content in a layout such that the distance from the top of the layout to the baseline of the first line of text in the content is top, and the distance from the baseline of the last line of text in the content to the bottom of the layout is bottom.

Scope: Any

A Modifier that positions the content in a layout such that the distance from the top of the layout to the baseline of the first line of text in the content is top, and the distance from the baseline of the last line of text in the content to the bottom of the layout is bottom.

Scope: Any
Modifier.absolutePadding(left: Dp, top: Dp, right: Dp, bottom: Dp)

Apply additional space along each edge of the content in Dp: left, top, right and bottom.

Scope: Any

Apply all dp of additional space along each edge of the content, left, top, right and bottom.

Scope: Any
Modifier.padding(paddingValues: PaddingValues)

Apply PaddingValues to the component as additional space along each edge of the content's left, top, right and bottom.

Scope: Any
Modifier.padding(horizontal: Dp, vertical: Dp)

Apply horizontal dp space along the left and right edges of the content, and vertical dp space along the top and bottom edges.

Scope: Any
Modifier.padding(start: Dp, top: Dp, end: Dp, bottom: Dp)

Apply additional space along each edge of the content in Dp: start, top, end and bottom.

Scope: Any

Adds padding to accommodate the caption bar insets.

Scope: Any

Adds padding to accommodate the display cutout.

Scope: Any

Adds padding to accommodate the ime insets.

Scope: Any

Adds padding to accommodate the mandatory system gestures insets.

Scope: Any

Adds padding to accommodate the navigation bars insets.

Scope: Any

Adds padding to accommodate the safe content insets.

Scope: Any

Adds padding to accommodate the safe gestures insets.

Scope: Any

Adds padding to accommodate the status bars insets.

Scope: Any

Adds padding to accommodate the system bars insets.

Scope: Any

Adds padding to accommodate the system gestures insets.

Scope: Any

Adds padding to accommodate the waterfall insets.

Scope: Any

Adds padding so that the content doesn't enter insets space.


Scope: Any
    icon: PointerIcon,
    overrideDescendants: Boolean

Modifier that lets a developer define a pointer icon to display when the cursor is hovered over the element.

Scope: Any
    requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent: RequestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent?,
    onTouchEvent: (MotionEvent) -> Boolean

A special PointerInputModifier that provides access to the underlying MotionEvents originally dispatched to Compose.

Scope: Any
    onMove: (position: Offset) -> Boolean,
    onExit: () -> Boolean,
    onEnter: () -> Boolean

Modifier allowing to track pointer (i.e. mouse or trackpad) move events.

Scope: Any
Modifier. pointerInput(block: suspend PointerInputScope.() -> Unit)

This function is deprecated. Modifier.pointerInput must provide one or more 'key' parameters that define the identity of the modifier and determine when its previous input processing coroutine should be cancelled and a new effect launched for the new key.

Scope: Any
Modifier.pointerInput(key1: Any?, block: suspend PointerInputScope.() -> Unit)

Create a modifier for processing pointer input within the region of the modified element.

Scope: Any
Modifier.pointerInput(vararg keys: Any?, block: suspend PointerInputScope.() -> Unit)

Create a modifier for processing pointer input within the region of the modified element.

Scope: Any
Modifier.pointerInput(key1: Any?, key2: Any?, block: suspend PointerInputScope.() -> Unit)

Create a modifier for processing pointer input within the region of the modified element.


Scope: Any

Offset the content by offset px.

Scope: Any

Offset the content by (x dp, y dp).

Scope: Any
Modifier.offset(offset: Density.() -> IntOffset)

Offset the content by offset px.

Scope: Any
Modifier.offset(x: Dp, y: Dp)

Offset the content by (x dp, y dp).

Modifier.tabIndicatorOffset(currentTabPosition: TabPosition)

Modifier that takes up all the available width inside the TabRow, and then animates the offset of the indicator it is applied to, depending on the currentTabPosition.

Modifier.tabIndicatorOffset(currentTabPosition: TabPosition)

Modifier that takes up all the available width inside the TabRow, and then animates the offset of the indicator it is applied to, depending on the currentTabPosition.


Scope: Any

Contains the semantics required for an indeterminate progress indicator, that represents the fact of the in-progress operation.

Scope: Any
    value: Float,
    valueRange: ClosedFloatingPointRange<Float>,
    steps: @IntRange(from = 0) Int

Contains the semantics required for a determinate progress indicator or the progress part of a slider, that represents progress within valueRange.

Scope: Any
    value: Float,
    enabled: Boolean,
    onValueChange: (Float) -> Unit,
    valueRange: ClosedFloatingPointRange<Float>,
    steps: Int

Modifier to add semantics signifying progress of the Stepper/Slider.

Scope: Any

Clears the semantics of all the descendant nodes and sets new semantics.

Scope: Any
Modifier.semantics(mergeDescendants: Boolean, properties: SemanticsPropertyReceiver.() -> Unit)

Add semantics key/value pairs to the layout node, for use in testing, accessibility, etc.


Scope: Any

Clips bounds of scrollable container on main axis while leaving space for background effects (like shadows) on cross axis.

Scope: Any
Modifier. mouseScrollFilter(
    onMouseScroll: (event: MouseScrollEvent, bounds: IntSize) -> Boolean

This function is deprecated. Use Modifier.pointerInput + PointerEventType.Scroll

Scope: Any
    connection: NestedScrollConnection,
    dispatcher: NestedScrollDispatcher?

Modify element to make it participate in the nested scrolling hierarchy.

Scope: Any

Renders overscroll from the provided overscrollEffect.

Scope: Any
    onPreRotaryScrollEvent: (RotaryScrollEvent) -> Boolean

Adding this modifier to the modifier parameter of a component will allow it to intercept RotaryScrollEvents if it (or one of its children) is focused.

Scope: Any
    onRotaryScrollEvent: (RotaryScrollEvent) -> Boolean

Adding this modifier to the modifier parameter of a component will allow it to intercept RotaryScrollEvents if it (or one of its children) is focused.

Scope: Any
Modifier.scrollAway(scrollState: ScrollState, offset: Dp)

Scroll an item vertically in/out of view based on a ScrollState.

Scope: Any
    scrollState: LazyListState,
    itemIndex: Int,
    offset: Dp

Scroll an item vertically in/out of view based on a LazyListState.

Scope: Any
    scrollState: ScalingLazyListState,
    itemIndex: Int,
    offset: Dp

Scroll an item vertically in/out of view based on a ScalingLazyListState.

Scope: Any
Modifier. scrollAway(
    scrollState: ScalingLazyListState,
    itemIndex: Int,
    offset: Dp

This function is deprecated. This overload is provided for backwards compatibility with Compose for Wear OS 1.1.A newer overload is available which uses ScalingLazyListState from package

Scope: Any
    state: ScrollState,
    enabled: Boolean,
    flingBehavior: FlingBehavior?,
    reverseScrolling: Boolean

Modify element to allow to scroll horizontally when width of the content is bigger than max constraints allow.

Scope: Any
    state: ScrollState,
    enabled: Boolean,
    flingBehavior: FlingBehavior?,
    reverseScrolling: Boolean

Modify element to allow to scroll vertically when height of the content is bigger than max constraints allow.

Scope: Any
    state: ScrollableState,
    orientation: Orientation,
    enabled: Boolean,
    reverseDirection: Boolean,
    flingBehavior: FlingBehavior?,
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource?

Configure touch scrolling and flinging for the UI element in a single Orientation.

Scope: Any
    state: ScrollableState,
    orientation: Orientation,
    overscrollEffect: OverscrollEffect?,
    enabled: Boolean,
    reverseDirection: Boolean,
    flingBehavior: FlingBehavior?,
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource?,
    bringIntoViewSpec: BringIntoViewSpec

Configure touch scrolling and flinging for the UI element in a single Orientation.

Scope: Any
    state: ScrollableState,
    orientation: Orientation,
    pivotOffsets: PivotOffsets,
    enabled: Boolean,
    reverseDirection: Boolean

Configure touch scrolling and flinging for the UI element in a single Orientation.

Scope: Any

Controls the soft keyboard as a nested scrolling on Android R and later.


Scope: Any
    animationSpec: FiniteAnimationSpec<IntSize>,
    finishedListener: ((initialValue: IntSize, targetValue: IntSize) -> Unit)?

This modifier animates its own size when its child modifier (or the child composable if it is already at the tail of the chain) changes size.

Scope: Any
    ratio: @FloatRange(from = 0.0, fromInclusive = false) Float,
    matchHeightConstraintsFirst: Boolean

Attempts to size the content to match a specified aspect ratio by trying to match one of the incoming constraints in the following order: Constraints.maxWidth, Constraints.maxHeight, Constraints.minWidth, Constraints.minHeight if matchHeightConstraintsFirst is false (which is the default), or Constraints.maxHeight, Constraints.maxWidth, Constraints.minHeight, Constraints.minWidth if matchHeightConstraintsFirst is true.

Scope: Any

Reserves at least 48.dp in size to disambiguate touch interactions if the element would measure smaller.

Scope: Any

Reserves at least 48.dp in size to disambiguate touch interactions if the element would measure smaller.

Scope: Any

Reserves at least 48.dp in size to disambiguate touch interactions if the element would measure smaller.

Scope: Any
Modifier.height(intrinsicSize: IntrinsicSize)

Declare the preferred height of the content to be the same as the min or max intrinsic height of the content.

Scope: Any

Declare the height of the content to be exactly the same as the min or max intrinsic height of the content.

Scope: Any

Declare the width of the content to be exactly the same as the min or max intrinsic width of the content.

Scope: Any
Modifier.width(intrinsicSize: IntrinsicSize)

Declare the preferred width of the content to be the same as the min or max intrinsic width of the content.

Scope: Any
Modifier.onSizeChanged(onSizeChanged: (IntSize) -> Unit)

Invoked with the size of the modified Compose UI element when the element is first measured or when the size of the element changes.

Scope: Any
Modifier.defaultMinSize(minWidth: Dp, minHeight: Dp)

Constrain the size of the wrapped layout only when it would be otherwise unconstrained: the minWidth and minHeight constraints are only applied when the incoming corresponding constraint is 0.

Scope: Any
Modifier.fillMaxHeight(fraction: @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) Float)

Have the content fill (possibly only partially) the Constraints.maxHeight of the incoming measurement constraints, by setting the minimum height and the maximum height to be equal to the maximum height multiplied by fraction.

Scope: Any
Modifier.fillMaxSize(fraction: @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) Float)

Have the content fill (possibly only partially) the Constraints.maxWidth and Constraints.maxHeight of the incoming measurement constraints, by setting the minimum width and the maximum width to be equal to the maximum width multiplied by fraction, as well as the minimum height and the maximum height to be equal to the maximum height multiplied by fraction.

Scope: Any
Modifier.fillMaxWidth(fraction: @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) Float)

Have the content fill (possibly only partially) the Constraints.maxWidth of the incoming measurement constraints, by setting the minimum width and the maximum width to be equal to the maximum width multiplied by fraction.

Scope: Any
Modifier.height(height: Dp)

Declare the preferred height of the content to be exactly heightdp.

Scope: Any
Modifier.heightIn(min: Dp, max: Dp)

Constrain the height of the content to be between mindp and maxdp as permitted by the incoming measurement Constraints.

Scope: Any

Declare the height of the content to be exactly heightdp.

Scope: Any
Modifier.requiredHeightIn(min: Dp, max: Dp)

Constrain the height of the content to be between mindp and maxdp.

Scope: Any

Declare the size of the content to be exactly sizedp width and height.

Scope: Any

Declare the size of the content to be exactly size.

Scope: Any
Modifier.requiredSize(width: Dp, height: Dp)

Declare the size of the content to be exactly widthdp and heightdp.

Scope: Any
    minWidth: Dp,
    minHeight: Dp,
    maxWidth: Dp,
    maxHeight: Dp

Constrain the width of the content to be between minWidthdp and maxWidthdp, and the height of the content to be between minHeightdp and maxHeightdp.

Scope: Any

Declare the width of the content to be exactly widthdp.

Scope: Any
Modifier.requiredWidthIn(min: Dp, max: Dp)

Constrain the width of the content to be between mindp and maxdp.

Scope: Any
Modifier.size(size: Dp)

Declare the preferred size of the content to be exactly sizedp square.

Scope: Any
Modifier.size(size: DpSize)

Declare the preferred size of the content to be exactly size.

Scope: Any
Modifier.size(width: Dp, height: Dp)

Declare the preferred size of the content to be exactly widthdp by heightdp.

Scope: Any
Modifier.sizeIn(minWidth: Dp, minHeight: Dp, maxWidth: Dp, maxHeight: Dp)

Constrain the width of the content to be between minWidthdp and maxWidthdp and the height of the content to be between minHeightdp and maxHeightdp as permitted by the incoming measurement Constraints.

Scope: Any
Modifier.width(width: Dp)

Declare the preferred width of the content to be exactly widthdp.

Scope: Any
Modifier.widthIn(min: Dp, max: Dp)

Constrain the width of the content to be between mindp and maxdp as permitted by the incoming measurement Constraints.

Scope: Any
    align: Alignment.Vertical,
    unbounded: Boolean

Allow the content to measure at its desired height without regard for the incoming measurement minimum height constraint, and, if unbounded is true, also without regard for the incoming measurement maximum height constraint.

Scope: Any
Modifier.wrapContentSize(align: Alignment, unbounded: Boolean)

Allow the content to measure at its desired size without regard for the incoming measurement minimum width or minimum height constraints, and, if unbounded is true, also without regard for the incoming maximum constraints.

Scope: Any
    align: Alignment.Horizontal,
    unbounded: Boolean

Allow the content to measure at its desired width without regard for the incoming measurement minimum width constraint, and, if unbounded is true, also without regard for the incoming measurement maximum width constraint.

Scope: Any

Modifier to set both the size and recommended touch target for IconButton and TextButton.

Scope: Any

Sets the height to that of insets at the bottom of the screen.

Scope: Any

Sets the width to that of insets at the end of the screen, using either left or right, depending on the LayoutDirection.

Scope: Any

Sets the width to that of insets at the start of the screen, using either left or right, depending on the LayoutDirection.

Scope: Any

Sets the height to that of insets at the top of the screen.

Scope: RowScope
    weight: @FloatRange(from = 0.0, fromInclusive = false) Float,
    fill: Boolean

Size the element's width proportional to its weight relative to other weighted sibling elements in the Row.

    weight: @FloatRange(from = 0.0, fromInclusive = false) Float,
    fill: Boolean

Size the element's height proportional to its weight relative to other weighted sibling elements in the Column.

Scope: BoxScope

Size the element to match the size of the Box after all other content elements have been measured.

    fraction: @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) Float

Have the content fill the Constraints.maxHeight of the incoming measurement constraints by setting the minimum height to be equal to the maximum height multiplied by fraction.

    fraction: @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) Float

Have the content fill the Constraints.maxWidth and Constraints.maxHeight of the parent measurement constraints by setting the minimum width to be equal to the maximum width multiplied by fraction and the minimum height to be equal to the maximum height multiplied by fraction.

    fraction: @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) Float

Have the content fill the Constraints.maxWidth of the parent measurement constraints by setting the minimum width to be equal to the maximum width multiplied by fraction.

Modifier.exposedDropdownSize(matchTextFieldWidth: Boolean)

Modifier which should be applied to an ExposedDropdownMenu placed inside the scope.

Modifier.exposedDropdownSize(matchTextFieldWidth: Boolean)

Modifier which should be applied to an ExposedDropdownMenu placed inside the scope.


Scope: Any

Applies a tag to allow modified element to be found in tests.


Scope: Any
Modifier.rotate(degrees: Float)

Sets the degrees the view is rotated around the center of the composable.

Scope: Any
Modifier.scale(scale: Float)

Scale the contents of both the horizontal and vertical axis uniformly by the same scale factor.

Scope: Any
Modifier.scale(scaleX: Float, scaleY: Float)

Scale the contents of the composable by the following scale factors along the horizontal and vertical axis respectively.

Scope: Any
    state: TransformableState,
    lockRotationOnZoomPan: Boolean,
    enabled: Boolean

Enable transformation gestures of the modified UI element.

Scope: Any
    state: TransformableState,
    canPan: (Offset) -> Boolean,
    lockRotationOnZoomPan: Boolean,
    enabled: Boolean

Enable transformation gestures of the modified UI element.


Scope: Any

A Modifier that allows an element it is applied to to be treated like a source for drag and drop operations.

Scope: Any
    iterations: Int,
    animationMode: MarqueeAnimationMode,
    delayMillis: Int,
    initialDelayMillis: Int,
    spacing: MarqueeSpacing,
    velocity: Dp

Applies an animated marquee effect to the modified content if it's too wide to fit in the available space.

Scope: Any
Modifier.blur(radius: Dp, edgeTreatment: BlurredEdgeTreatment)

Draw content blurred with the specified radii.

Scope: Any
    radiusX: Dp,
    radiusY: Dp,
    edgeTreatment: BlurredEdgeTreatment

Draw content blurred with the specified radii.

Scope: Any

Modifier that can be used to send bringIntoView requests.

Scope: Any

A parent that can respond to BringIntoViewRequester requests from its children, and scroll so that the item is visible on screen.

Scope: Any
    inspectorInfo: InspectorInfo.() -> Unit,
    factory: @Composable Modifier.() -> Modifier

Declare a just-in-time composition of a Modifier that will be composed for each element it modifies.

Scope: Any
    fullyQualifiedName: String,
    key1: Any?,
    inspectorInfo: InspectorInfo.() -> Unit,
    factory: @Composable Modifier.() -> Modifier

Declare a just-in-time composition of a Modifier that will be composed for each element it modifies.

Scope: Any
    fullyQualifiedName: String,
    vararg keys: Any?,
    inspectorInfo: InspectorInfo.() -> Unit,
    factory: @Composable Modifier.() -> Modifier

Declare a just-in-time composition of a Modifier that will be composed for each element it modifies.

Scope: Any
    fullyQualifiedName: String,
    key1: Any?,
    key2: Any?,
    inspectorInfo: InspectorInfo.() -> Unit,
    factory: @Composable Modifier.() -> Modifier

Declare a just-in-time composition of a Modifier that will be composed for each element it modifies.

Scope: Any
    fullyQualifiedName: String,
    key1: Any?,
    key2: Any?,
    key3: Any?,
    inspectorInfo: InspectorInfo.() -> Unit,
    factory: @Composable Modifier.() -> Modifier

Declare a just-in-time composition of a Modifier that will be composed for each element it modifies.

Scope: Any
    drawDragDecoration: DrawScope.() -> Unit,
    block: suspend DragAndDropSourceScope.() -> Unit

A Modifier that allows an element it is applied to to be treated like a source for drag and drop operations.

Scope: Any
    onStarted: (event: DragAndDropEvent) -> Boolean,
    onDropped: (event: DragAndDropEvent) -> Boolean,
    onEntered: (event: DragAndDropEvent) -> Unit,
    onMoved: (event: DragAndDropEvent) -> Unit,
    onChanged: (event: DragAndDropEvent) -> Unit,
    onExited: (event: DragAndDropEvent) -> Unit,
    onEnded: (event: DragAndDropEvent) -> Unit

A modifier that allows for receiving from a drag and drop gesture.

Scope: Any

This function is deprecated. Use systemGestureExclusion

Scope: Any

This function is deprecated. Use systemGestureExclusion

Scope: Any
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource,
    enabled: Boolean

Configure component to be hoverable via pointer enter/exit events.

Scope: Any
    noinline inspectorInfo: InspectorInfo.() -> Unit,
    factory: Modifier.() -> Modifier

Use this to group a common set of modifiers and provide InspectorInfo for the resulting modifier.

Scope: Any

Creates an intermediate layout intended to help morph the layout from the current layout to the lookahead (i.e. pre-calculated future) layout.

Scope: Any
    sourceCenter: Density.() -> Offset,
    magnifierCenter: Density.() -> Offset,
    onSizeChanged: ((DpSize) -> Unit)?,
    zoom: Float,
    size: DpSize,
    cornerRadius: Dp,
    elevation: Dp,
    clippingEnabled: Boolean

Shows a Magnifier widget that shows an enlarged version of the content at sourceCenter relative to the current layout node.

Scope: Any

A Modifier that can be used to consume ModifierLocals that were provided by other modifiers to the left of this modifier, or above this modifier in the layout tree.

Scope: Any
<T : Any?> Modifier.modifierLocalProvider(
    key: ProvidableModifierLocal<T>,
    value: () -> T

A Modifier that can be used to provide ModifierLocals that can be read by other modifiers to the right of this modifier, or modifiers that are children of the layout node that this modifier is attached to.

Scope: Any

Invoke onPlaced after the parent LayoutModifier and parent layout has been placed and before child LayoutModifier is placed.

Scope: Any
    placeholderState: PlaceholderState,
    shape: Shape,
    color: Color

Draws a placeholder shape over the top of a composable and animates a wipe off effect to remove the placeholder.

Scope: Any
    placeholderState: PlaceholderState,
    shape: Shape,
    color: Color

Modifier to draw a placeholder shimmer over a component.

Scope: Any

Calls watcher with each MotionEvent that the layout area or any child pointerInput receives.

Scope: Any

Mark the layout rectangle as preferring to stay clear of floating windows.

Scope: Any

Mark a rectangle within the local layout coordinates preferring to stay clear of floating windows.

Scope: Any

A modifier for translating the position and scaling the size of a pull-to-refresh indicator based on the given PullRefreshState.

Scope: Any

A nested scroll modifier that provides scroll events to state.

Scope: Any
    onPull: (pullDelta: Float) -> Float,
    onRelease: suspend (flingVelocity: Float) -> Float,
    enabled: Boolean

A nested scroll modifier that provides onPull and onRelease callbacks to aid building custom pull refresh components.

Scope: Any
    onInterceptKeyBeforeSoftKeyboard: (KeyEvent) -> Boolean

Adding this modifier to the modifier parameter of a component will allow it to intercept hardware key events before they are sent to the software keyboard.

Scope: Any
    onPreInterceptKeyBeforeSoftKeyboard: (KeyEvent) -> Boolean

Adding this modifier to the modifier parameter of a component will allow it to intercept hardware key events before they are sent to the software keyboard.

Scope: Any
    swipeToDismissBoxState: SwipeToDismissBoxState,
    edgeWidth: Dp

Limits swipe to dismiss to be active from the edge of the viewport only.

Scope: Any
Modifier. edgeSwipeToDismiss(
    swipeToDismissBoxState: SwipeToDismissBoxState,
    edgeWidth: Dp

This function is deprecated. SwipeToDismiss has been migrated to

Scope: Any

Excludes the layout rectangle from the system gesture.

Scope: Any

Excludes a rectangle within the local layout coordinates from the system gesture.

Scope: Any

Consume insets that haven't been consumed yet by other insets Modifiers similar to windowInsetsPadding without adding any padding.

Scope: Any

Consume paddingValues as insets as if the padding was added irrespective of insets.

Scope: Any
    block: (consumedWindowInsets: WindowInsets) -> Unit

Calls block with the WindowInsets that have been consumed, either by consumeWindowInsets or one of the padding Modifiers, such as imePadding.

Modifier that should be applied to the anchor composable when showing the tooltip after long pressing the anchor composable is desired.

Modifier which should be applied to a TextField (or OutlinedTextField) placed inside the scope.