open class MatrixCursor : AbstractCursor
A mutable cursor implementation backed by an array of Object
s. Use newRow()
to add rows. Automatically expands internal capacity as needed.
Nested classes |
open |
Builds a row of values using either of these approaches:
- Values can be added with explicit column ordering using
add(java.lang.Object) , which starts from the left-most column and adds one column value at a time. This follows the same ordering as the column names specified at cursor construction time.
- Column and value pairs can be offered for possible inclusion using
add(java.lang.String,java.lang.Object) . If the cursor includes the given column, the value will be set for that column, otherwise the value is ignored. This approach is useful when matching data to a custom projection.
Undefined values are left as null .
Public constructors |
Constructs a new cursor with the given initial capacity.
Constructs a new cursor.
Inherited functions |
From class AbstractCursor
Unit |
This function throws CursorIndexOutOfBoundsException if the cursor position is out of bounds. Subclass implementations of the get functions should call this before attempting to retrieve data.
Unit |
Unit |
copyStringToBuffer(columnIndex: Int, buffer: CharArrayBuffer!)
Unit |
Unit |
fillWindow(position: Int, window: CursorWindow!)
Unit |
Int |
Int |
getColumnIndex(columnName: String!)
Int |
getColumnIndexOrThrow(columnName: String!)
String! |
getColumnName(columnIndex: Int)
Bundle! |
Uri! |
MutableList<Uri!>? |
Int |
Any! |
getUpdatedField(columnIndex: Int)
Boolean |
CursorWindow! |
If the cursor is backed by a CursorWindow , returns a pre-filled window with the contents of the cursor, otherwise null.
Boolean |
Boolean |
Boolean |
Boolean |
isFieldUpdated(columnIndex: Int)
Boolean |
Boolean |
Boolean |
move(offset: Int)
Boolean |
Boolean |
Boolean |
Boolean |
moveToPosition(position: Int)
Boolean |
Unit |
onChange(selfChange: Boolean)
Subclasses must call this method when they finish committing updates to notify all observers.
Boolean |
onMove(oldPosition: Int, newPosition: Int)
This function is called every time the cursor is successfully scrolled to a new position, giving the subclass a chance to update any state it may have. If it returns false the move function will also do so and the cursor will scroll to the beforeFirst position.
Unit |
registerContentObserver(observer: ContentObserver!)
Unit |
registerDataSetObserver(observer: DataSetObserver!)
Boolean |
Bundle! |
respond(extras: Bundle!)
Unit |
setExtras(extras: Bundle!)
Unit |
setNotificationUri(cr: ContentResolver!, notifyUri: Uri!)
Specifies a content URI to watch for changes.
Unit |
setNotificationUris(cr: ContentResolver, notifyUris: MutableList<Uri!>)
Similar to setNotificationUri(android.content.ContentResolver, , except this version allows to watch multiple content URIs for changes.
If this is not implemented, this is equivalent to calling setNotificationUri(android.content.ContentResolver, with the first URI in uris .
Calling this overrides any previous call to setNotificationUri(android.content.ContentResolver, .
Unit |
unregisterContentObserver(observer: ContentObserver!)
Unit |
unregisterDataSetObserver(observer: DataSetObserver!)
Public constructors
columnNames: Array<String!>!,
initialCapacity: Int)
Constructs a new cursor with the given initial capacity.
Parameters |
columnNames |
Array<String!>!: names of the columns, the ordering of which determines column ordering elsewhere in this cursor |
initialCapacity |
Int: in rows |
MatrixCursor(columnNames: Array<String!>!)
Constructs a new cursor.
Parameters |
columnNames |
Array<String!>!: names of the columns, the ordering of which determines column ordering elsewhere in this cursor |
Public methods
open fun addRow(columnValues: Array<Any!>!): Unit
Adds a new row to the end with the given column values. Not safe for concurrent use.
Parameters |
columnValues |
Array<Any!>!: in the same order as the the column names specified at cursor construction time |
Exceptions |
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException |
if columnValues.length != columnNames.length |
open fun addRow(columnValues: MutableIterable<*>!): Unit
Adds a new row to the end with the given column values. Not safe for concurrent use.
Parameters |
columnValues |
MutableIterable<*>!: in the same order as the the column names specified at cursor construction time |
Exceptions |
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException |
if columnValues.size() != columnNames.length |
open fun getBlob(column: Int): ByteArray!
Parameters |
columnIndex |
the zero-based index of the target column. Value is 0 or greater |
Return |
ByteArray! |
the value of that column as a byte array. |
open fun getColumnNames(): Array<String!>!
Return |
Array<String!>! |
the names of the columns returned in this query. |
open fun getCount(): Int
Return |
Int |
the number of rows in the cursor. Value is 0 or greater |
open fun getDouble(column: Int): Double
Parameters |
columnIndex |
the zero-based index of the target column. Value is 0 or greater |
Return |
Double |
the value of that column as a double. |
open fun getFloat(column: Int): Float
Parameters |
columnIndex |
the zero-based index of the target column. Value is 0 or greater |
Return |
Float |
the value of that column as a float. |
open fun getInt(column: Int): Int
Parameters |
columnIndex |
the zero-based index of the target column. Value is 0 or greater |
Return |
Int |
the value of that column as an int. |
open fun getLong(column: Int): Long
Parameters |
columnIndex |
the zero-based index of the target column. Value is 0 or greater |
Return |
Long |
the value of that column as a long. |
open fun getShort(column: Int): Short
Parameters |
columnIndex |
the zero-based index of the target column. Value is 0 or greater |
Return |
Short |
the value of that column as a short. |
open fun getString(column: Int): String!
Parameters |
columnIndex |
the zero-based index of the target column. Value is 0 or greater |
Return |
String! |
the value of that column as a String. |
open fun getType(column: Int): Int
Parameters |
columnIndex |
the zero-based index of the target column. Value is 0 or greater |
open fun isNull(column: Int): Boolean
Parameters |
columnIndex |
the zero-based index of the target column. Value is 0 or greater |
Return |
Boolean |
whether the column value is null. |
open fun newRow(): MatrixCursor.RowBuilder!
Adds a new row to the end and returns a builder for that row. Not safe for concurrent use.