Added in API level 11


class JsonToken
   ↳ kotlin.Enum<android.util.JsonToken>
   ↳ android.util.JsonToken

A structure, name or value type in a JSON-encoded string.


Enum values

The opening of a JSON array.

The opening of a JSON object.

A JSON true or false.

The closing of a JSON array.

The end of the JSON stream.

The closing of a JSON object.

A JSON property name.

A JSON null.

A JSON number represented in this API by a Java double, long, or int.

A JSON string.

Enum values


Added in API level 11
enum val BEGIN_ARRAY : JsonToken

The opening of a JSON array. Written using JsonWriter.beginObject and read using JsonReader.beginObject.


Added in API level 11
enum val BEGIN_OBJECT : JsonToken

The opening of a JSON object. Written using JsonWriter.beginObject and read using JsonReader.beginObject.


Added in API level 11
enum val BOOLEAN : JsonToken

A JSON true or false.


Added in API level 11
enum val END_ARRAY : JsonToken

The closing of a JSON array. Written using JsonWriter.endArray and read using JsonReader.endArray.


Added in API level 11
enum val END_DOCUMENT : JsonToken

The end of the JSON stream. This sentinel value is returned by android.util.JsonReader#peek() to signal that the JSON-encoded value has no more tokens.


Added in API level 11
enum val END_OBJECT : JsonToken

The closing of a JSON object. Written using JsonWriter.endObject and read using JsonReader.endObject.


Added in API level 11
enum val NAME : JsonToken

A JSON property name. Within objects, tokens alternate between names and their values. Written using and read using android.util.JsonReader#nextName


Added in API level 11
enum val NULL : JsonToken

A JSON null.


Added in API level 11
enum val NUMBER : JsonToken

A JSON number represented in this API by a Java double, long, or int.


Added in API level 11
enum val STRING : JsonToken

A JSON string.