interface Artifact.Replaceable
Text files with additional ProGuard rules to be used to determine which classes are compiled into the main dex file. |
Directories with native debug metadata |
Directories with debug symbol table |
ScopedArtifact.CLASSES |
.class files, result of sources compilation and/or external dependencies depending on the scope; includes users' transformation, but does not include Jacoco instrumentation |
ScopedArtifact.JAVA_RES |
SingleArtifact.APK |
Directory where APK files will be located. |
SingleArtifact.ASSETS |
Assets that will be packaged in the resulting AAR, APK or Bundle. |
SingleArtifact.MERGED_MANIFEST |
Merged manifest file that will be used in the APK, Bundle and InstantApp packages. |
The metadata for the library dependencies. |
Denotes an artifact type that can be replaced. Only Single
artifacts can be replaced, if you want to replace a Multiple
artifact type, you will need to transform it by combining all the inputs into a single output instance.