Added in API level 35


public static interface LoudnessCodecController.OnLoudnessCodecUpdateListener

Listener used for receiving asynchronous loudness metadata updates.


Public methods

default Bundle onLoudnessCodecUpdate(MediaCodec mediaCodec, Bundle codecValues)

Contains the MediaCodec key/values that can be set directly to configure the loudness of the handle's corresponding decoder (see MediaCodec#setParameters(Bundle)).

Public methods


Added in API level 35
public Bundle onLoudnessCodecUpdate (MediaCodec mediaCodec, 
                Bundle codecValues)

Contains the MediaCodec key/values that can be set directly to configure the loudness of the handle's corresponding decoder (see MediaCodec#setParameters(Bundle)).

mediaCodec MediaCodec: the mediaCodec that will receive the new parameters

codecValues Bundle: contains loudness key/value pairs that can be set directly on the mediaCodec. The listener can modify these values with their own edits which will be returned for the mediaCodec configuration

Bundle a Bundle which contains the original computed codecValues aggregated with user edits. The platform will configure the associated MediaCodecs with the returned Bundle params.