
public class MatrixCursor
extends AbstractCursor

   ↳ android.database.AbstractCursor
     ↳ android.database.MatrixCursor

A mutable cursor implementation backed by an array of Objects. Use newRow() to add rows. Automatically expands internal capacity as needed.


Nested classes

class MatrixCursor.RowBuilder

Builds a row of values using either of these approaches:

  • Values can be added with explicit column ordering using add(java.lang.Object), which starts from the left-most column and adds one column value at a time. 

Inherited constants

Inherited fields

Public constructors

MatrixCursor(String[] columnNames)

Constructs a new cursor.

MatrixCursor(String[] columnNames, int initialCapacity)

Constructs a new cursor with the given initial capacity.

Public methods

void addRow(Object[] columnValues)

Adds a new row to the end with the given column values.

void addRow(Iterable<?> columnValues)

Adds a new row to the end with the given column values.

byte[] getBlob(int column)

Returns the value of the requested column as a byte array.

String[] getColumnNames()

Returns a string array holding the names of all of the columns in the result set in the order in which they were listed in the result.

int getCount()

Returns the numbers of rows in the cursor.

double getDouble(int column)

Returns the value of the requested column as a double.

float getFloat(int column)

Returns the value of the requested column as a float.

int getInt(int column)

Returns the value of the requested column as an int.

long getLong(int column)

Returns the value of the requested column as a long.

short getShort(int column)

Returns the value of the requested column as a short.

String getString(int column)

Returns the value of the requested column as a String.

int getType(int column)

Returns data type of the given column's value.

boolean isNull(int column)

Returns true if the value in the indicated column is null.

MatrixCursor.RowBuilder newRow()

Adds a new row to the end and returns a builder for that row.

Inherited methods

Public constructors


Added in API level 1
public MatrixCursor (String[] columnNames)

Constructs a new cursor.

columnNames String: names of the columns, the ordering of which determines column ordering elsewhere in this cursor


Added in API level 1
public MatrixCursor (String[] columnNames, 
                int initialCapacity)

Constructs a new cursor with the given initial capacity.

columnNames String: names of the columns, the ordering of which determines column ordering elsewhere in this cursor

initialCapacity int: in rows

Public methods


Added in API level 1
public void addRow (Object[] columnValues)

Adds a new row to the end with the given column values. Not safe for concurrent use.

columnValues Object: in the same order as the the column names specified at cursor construction time

IllegalArgumentException if columnValues.length != columnNames.length


Added in API level 1
public void addRow (Iterable<?> columnValues)

Adds a new row to the end with the given column values. Not safe for concurrent use.

columnValues Iterable: in the same order as the the column names specified at cursor construction time

IllegalArgumentException if columnValues.size() != columnNames.length


Added in API level 1
public byte[] getBlob (int column)

Returns the value of the requested column as a byte array.

The result and whether this method throws an exception when the column value is null or the column type is not a blob type is implementation-defined.

column int: the zero-based index of the target column. Value is 0 or greater

byte[] the value of that column as a byte array.


Added in API level 1
public String[] getColumnNames ()

Returns a string array holding the names of all of the columns in the result set in the order in which they were listed in the result.

String[] the names of the columns returned in this query.


Added in API level 1
public int getCount ()

Returns the numbers of rows in the cursor.

int the number of rows in the cursor. Value is 0 or greater


Added in API level 1
public double getDouble (int column)

Returns the value of the requested column as a double.

The result and whether this method throws an exception when the column value is null, the column type is not a floating-point type, or the floating-point value is not representable as a double value is implementation-defined.

column int: the zero-based index of the target column. Value is 0 or greater

double the value of that column as a double.


Added in API level 1
public float getFloat (int column)

Returns the value of the requested column as a float.

The result and whether this method throws an exception when the column value is null, the column type is not a floating-point type, or the floating-point value is not representable as a float value is implementation-defined.

column int: the zero-based index of the target column. Value is 0 or greater

float the value of that column as a float.


Added in API level 1
public int getInt (int column)

Returns the value of the requested column as an int.

The result and whether this method throws an exception when the column value is null, the column type is not an integral type, or the integer value is outside the range [Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE] is implementation-defined.

column int: the zero-based index of the target column. Value is 0 or greater

int the value of that column as an int.


Added in API level 1
public long getLong (int column)

Returns the value of the requested column as a long.

The result and whether this method throws an exception when the column value is null, the column type is not an integral type, or the integer value is outside the range [Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE] is implementation-defined.

column int: the zero-based index of the target column. Value is 0 or greater

long the value of that column as a long.


Added in API level 1
public short getShort (int column)

Returns the value of the requested column as a short.

The result and whether this method throws an exception when the column value is null, the column type is not an integral type, or the integer value is outside the range [Short.MIN_VALUE, Short.MAX_VALUE] is implementation-defined.

column int: the zero-based index of the target column. Value is 0 or greater

short the value of that column as a short.


Added in API level 1
public String getString (int column)

Returns the value of the requested column as a String.

The result and whether this method throws an exception when the column value is null or the column type is not a string type is implementation-defined.

column int: the zero-based index of the target column. Value is 0 or greater

String the value of that column as a String.


Added in API level 11
public int getType (int column)

Returns data type of the given column's value. The preferred type of the column is returned but the data may be converted to other types as documented in the get-type methods such as getInt(int), getFloat(int) etc.

column int: the zero-based index of the target column. Value is 0 or greater



Added in API level 1
public boolean isNull (int column)

Returns true if the value in the indicated column is null.

column int: the zero-based index of the target column. Value is 0 or greater

boolean whether the column value is null.


Added in API level 1
public MatrixCursor.RowBuilder newRow ()

Adds a new row to the end and returns a builder for that row. Not safe for concurrent use.

MatrixCursor.RowBuilder builder which can be used to set the column values for the new row