
class TraceSectionMetric : Metric

Captures the time taken by named trace section - a named begin / end pair matching the provided sectionName.

Select how matching sections are resolved into a duration metric with mode, and configure if sections outside the target process are included with targetPackageOnly.

The following TraceSectionMetric counts the number of JIT method compilations that occur within a trace:

sectionName = "JIT Compiling %",
mode = TraceSectionMetric.Mode.Sum

Note that non-terminating slices in the trace (where duration = -1) are always ignored by this metric.


Nested types

Average duration of trace sections matching sectionName in the trace.

Counts the number of observed instances of a trace section matching sectionName in the trace.

Captures the duration of the first instance of sectionName in the trace.

Reports the maximum observed duration for a trace section matching sectionName in the trace.

Reports the maximum observed duration for a trace section matching sectionName in the trace.

Captures the sum of all instances of sectionName in the trace.

Public constructors

    sectionName: String,
    mode: TraceSectionMetric.Mode,
    label: String,
    targetPackageOnly: Boolean

Public constructors


Added in 1.3.0
    sectionName: String,
    mode: TraceSectionMetric.Mode = Mode.Sum,
    label: String = sectionName,
    targetPackageOnly: Boolean = true

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