


State that holds all interactions to correctly deal with a UI component representing a seek-to-next button.


State that converts the necessary information from the Player to correctly deal with a UI component representing a PlayPause button.


State that holds information to correctly deal with UI components related to the rendering of frames to a surface.


State that holds all interactions to correctly deal with a UI component representing a seek-to-previous button.


State that holds all interactions to correctly deal with a UI component representing a Repeat On/All/Off button.


State that holds all interactions to correctly deal with a UI component representing a Shuffle On/Off button.

Top-level functions summary


Remembers the value of NextButtonState created based on the passed Player and launch a coroutine to listen to Player's changes.


Remembers the value of PlayPauseButtonState created based on the passed Player and launch a coroutine to listen to Player's changes.


Remembers the value of PresentationState created based on the passed Player and launches a coroutine to listen to Player's changes.


Remembers the value of PreviousButtonState created based on the passed Player and launch a coroutine to listen to Player's changes.

    player: Player,
    toggleModeSequence: List<@Player.RepeatMode Int>

Remember the value of RepeatButtonState created based on the passed Player and launch a coroutine to listen to Player's changes.


Remember the value of ShuffleButtonState created based on the passed Player and launch a coroutine to listen to Player's changes.

Top-level functions


fun rememberNextButtonState(player: Player): NextButtonState

Remembers the value of NextButtonState created based on the passed Player and launch a coroutine to listen to Player's changes. If the Player instance changes between compositions, produce and remember a new value.


fun rememberPlayPauseButtonState(player: Player): PlayPauseButtonState

Remembers the value of PlayPauseButtonState created based on the passed Player and launch a coroutine to listen to Player's changes. If the Player instance changes between compositions, produce and remember a new value.


fun rememberPresentationState(player: Player): PresentationState

Remembers the value of PresentationState created based on the passed Player and launches a coroutine to listen to Player's changes. If the Player instance changes between compositions, produces and remembers a new value.


fun rememberPreviousButtonState(player: Player): PreviousButtonState

Remembers the value of PreviousButtonState created based on the passed Player and launch a coroutine to listen to Player's changes. If the Player instance changes between compositions, produce and remember a new value.


fun rememberRepeatButtonState(
    player: Player,
    toggleModeSequence: List<@Player.RepeatMode Int> = listOf(Player.REPEAT_MODE_OFF, Player.REPEAT_MODE_ONE, Player.REPEAT_MODE_ALL)
): RepeatButtonState

Remember the value of RepeatButtonState created based on the passed Player and launch a coroutine to listen to Player's changes. If the Player instance changes between compositions, produce and remember a new value.


fun rememberShuffleButtonState(player: Player): ShuffleButtonState

Remember the value of ShuffleButtonState created based on the passed Player and launch a coroutine to listen to Player's changes. If the Player instance changes between compositions, produce and remember a new value.