sealed class BaseEntity<RtEntityType : JxrPlatformAdapter.Entity> : BaseActivityPose, Entity

Known direct subclasses

ActivitySpace is an Entity used to track the system-managed pose and boundary of the volume associated with this Spatialized Activity.


An AnchorEntity is created to track a Pose relative to some position or surface in the "Real World." Children of this Entity will remain positioned relative to that location in the real world, for the purposes of creating Augmented Reality experiences.


Provides implementations for common Panel functionality.


An Entity that itself has no content.


GltfModelEntity is a concrete implementation of Entity that hosts a glTF model.


StereoSurfaceEntity is a concrete implementation of Entity that hosts a StereoSurface Panel.

Known indirect subclasses

ActivityPanelEntity creates a spatial panel for embedding an Activity in Android XR.


PanelEntity creates a spatial panel in Android XR.

The BaseEntity is an implementation of Entity interface that wraps a platform entity.


Protected constructors

<RtEntityType : JxrPlatformAdapter.Entity> BaseEntity(
    rtEntity: RtEntityType,
    entityManager: EntityManager

Public functions

open Unit
addChild(child: Entity)

Sets an Entity to be represented in this coordinate space.

open Boolean
addComponent(component: Component)

Adds a Component to this Entity.

open Unit

Disposes of any system resources held by this Entity, and transitively calls dispose() on all its children.

open Float

Returns the global alpha of this entity computed by multiplying the parent's global alpha to this entity's local alpha.

open Float

Returns the alpha transparency set for this Entity.

open List<Component>

Retrieves all components attached to this Entity.

open List<T>

Retrieves all Components of the given type T and its sub-types attached to this Entity.

open Entity?

Returns the parent of this Entity.

open Pose

Returns the pose for this entity, relative to its parent.

open Float

Returns the local scale of this entity, not inclusive of the parent's scale.

open Dimensions

Returns the dimensions (in meters) for this Entity.

open Float

Returns the accumulated scale of this Entity.

open Boolean
isHidden(includeParents: Boolean)

Returns the hidden status of this Entity.

open Unit

Remove all components from this Entity.

open Unit

Removes the given Component from this Entity.

open Unit
setAlpha(alpha: Float)

Sets the alpha transparency of the Entity and its children.

open Unit

Sets alternate text for this entity to be consumed by Accessibility systems.

open Unit
setHidden(hidden: Boolean)

Sets the local hidden state of this Entity.

open Unit
setParent(parent: Entity?)

Sets this Entity to be represented in the parent's coordinate space.

open Unit
setPose(pose: Pose)

Sets the pose for this Entity, relative to its parent.

open Unit
setScale(scale: Float)

Sets the scale of this entity relative to its parent.

open Unit
setSize(dimensions: Dimensions)

Sets the dimensions in pixels for the Entity.

Inherited functions

From androidx.xr.scenecore.ActivityPose
abstract Pose

Returns the activity space pose for this ActivityPose.

abstract Pose
transformPoseTo(pose: Pose, destination: ActivityPose)

Returns a pose relative to this ActivityPose transformed into a pose relative to the destination.

Protected constructors


protected <RtEntityType : JxrPlatformAdapter.Entity> BaseEntity(
    rtEntity: RtEntityType,
    entityManager: EntityManager

Public functions


Added in 1.0.0-alpha01
open fun addChild(child: Entity): Unit

Sets an Entity to be represented in this coordinate space. From a User's perspective, as this Entity moves, the child Entity will move with it.

child: Entity

The Entity to be attached.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha01
open fun addComponent(component: Component): Boolean

Adds a Component to this Entity.

component: Component

the Component to be added to the Entity.


True if given Component is added to the Entity.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha01
open fun dispose(): Unit

Disposes of any system resources held by this Entity, and transitively calls dispose() on all its children. Once disposed, this Entity is invalid and cannot be used again.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha01
open fun getActivitySpaceAlpha(): Float

Returns the global alpha of this entity computed by multiplying the parent's global alpha to this entity's local alpha.

This does not necessarily equal the perceived alpha of the entity as the entity may have some alpha difference applied from the system.


Total Float alpha applied to this entity.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha01
open fun getAlpha(): Float

Returns the alpha transparency set for this Entity.

This does not necessarily equal the perceived alpha of the entity as the entity may have some alpha difference applied from its parent or the system.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha01
open fun getComponents(): List<Component>

Retrieves all components attached to this Entity.


List attached to this Entity.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha01
open fun <T : Component> getComponentsOfType(type: Class<T>): List<T>

Retrieves all Components of the given type T and its sub-types attached to this Entity.

type: Class<T>

The type of Component to retrieve.


List of the given type attached to this Entity.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha01
open fun getParent(): Entity?

Returns the parent of this Entity.


The Entity that this Entity is attached to. Returns null if this Entity has no parent and is the root of its hierarchy.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha01
open fun getPose(): Pose

Returns the pose for this entity, relative to its parent.


Current Pose offset from the parent.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha01
open fun getScale(): Float

Returns the local scale of this entity, not inclusive of the parent's scale.


Current uniform scale applied to self and children.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha01
open fun getSize(): Dimensions

Returns the dimensions (in meters) for this Entity.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha01
open fun getWorldSpaceScale(): Float

Returns the accumulated scale of this Entity. This value includes the parent's world space scale.


Total uniform scale applied to self and children.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha01
open fun isHidden(includeParents: Boolean): Boolean

Returns the hidden status of this Entity.

includeParents: Boolean

Whether to include the hidden status of parents in the returned value.


If includeParents is true, the returned value will be true if this Entity or any of its ancestors is hidden. If includeParents is false, the local hidden state is returned. Regardless of the local hidden state, an entity will not be rendered if any of its ancestors are hidden.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha01
open fun removeAllComponents(): Unit

Remove all components from this Entity.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha01
open fun removeComponent(component: Component): Unit

Removes the given Component from this Entity.

component: Component

Component to be removed from this entity.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha01
open fun setAlpha(alpha: Float): Unit

Sets the alpha transparency of the Entity and its children. Values are in the range 0, 1 with 0 being fully transparent and 1 being fully opaque.

This value will affect the rendering of this Entity's children. Children of this node will have their alpha levels multiplied by this value and any alpha of this entity's ancestors.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha01
open fun setContentDescription(text: String): Unit

Sets alternate text for this entity to be consumed by Accessibility systems.

text: String

A11y content.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha01
open fun setHidden(hidden: Boolean): Unit

Sets the local hidden state of this Entity. When true, this Entity and all descendants will not be rendered in the scene. When the hidden state is false, an entity will be rendered if its ancestors are not hidden.

hidden: Boolean

The new local hidden state of this Entity.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha01
open fun setParent(parent: Entity?): Unit

Sets this Entity to be represented in the parent's coordinate space. From a User's perspective, as the parent moves, this Entity will move with it. Setting the parent to null will cause the Entity to not be rendered.

parent: Entity?

The Entity to attach to.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha01
open fun setPose(pose: Pose): Unit

Sets the pose for this Entity, relative to its parent.

pose: Pose

The Pose offset from the parent.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha01
open fun setScale(scale: Float): Unit

Sets the scale of this entity relative to its parent. This value will affect the rendering of this Entity's children. As the scale increases, this will uniformly stretch the content of the Entity.

scale: Float

The uniform scale factor from the parent.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha01
open fun setSize(dimensions: Dimensions): Unit

Sets the dimensions in pixels for the Entity.

("This method is deprecated. Use BasePanelEntity<*>.setPixelDimensions() instead.")

dimensions: Dimensions

Dimensions in pixels. (Z will be ignored)