
abstract class ListenableGlesRenderer : Renderer.GlesRenderer

ListenableFuture-based compatibility wrapper around Renderer.GlesRenderer's suspending methods.


Public constructors

    surfaceHolder: SurfaceHolder,
    currentUserStyleRepository: CurrentUserStyleRepository,
    watchState: WatchState,
    interactiveDrawModeUpdateDelayMillis: @IntRange(from = 0, to = 60000) Long,
    eglConfigAttribList: IntArray,
    eglSurfaceAttribList: IntArray

Public functions

open suspend Unit

Called once a background thread when a new GL context is created on the background thread, before any subsequent calls to render.

open suspend Unit
onUiThreadGlSurfaceCreated(width: @Px Int, height: @Px Int)

Called when a new GL surface is created on the UiThread, before any subsequent calls to render or in response to SurfaceHolder.Callback.surfaceChanged.


Inside of a Mutex this function sets the GL context associated with the WatchFaceService.getBackgroundThreadHandler's looper thread as the current one, executes runnable and finally unsets the GL context.


Inside of a Mutex this function sets the UiThread GL context as the current one, executes runnable and finally unsets the GL context.

Protected functions

open ListenableFuture<Unit>

Called once a background thread when a new GL context is created on the background thread, before any subsequent calls to render.

open ListenableFuture<Unit>

Called when a new GL surface is created on the UiThread, before any subsequent calls to render and in response to SurfaceHolder.Callback.surfaceChanged.

Inherited functions

open Rect

This method is used for accessibility support to describe the portion of the screen containing the main clock element.


Schedules a call to either CanvasRenderer.render or GlesRenderer.render to draw the next frame.

open Unit

Called when the RenderParameters has been updated.


Posts a message to schedule a call to either CanvasRenderer.render or GlesRenderer.render to draw the next frame.


Sends a request to the system asking it to update the preview image.

open Boolean

The system periodically (at least once per minute) calls onTimeTick() to trigger a display update.

open Unit

Called when the Renderer is destroyed.

open Unit

Called when adb shell dumpsys is invoked for the WatchFaceService, allowing the renderer to optionally record state for debugging purposes.

abstract Unit
render(zonedDateTime: ZonedDateTime)

Sub-classes should override this to implement their watch face rendering logic which should respect the current renderParameters.

abstract Unit

Sub-classes should override this to implement their watch face highlight layer rendering logic for the RenderParameters.highlightLayer aspect of renderParameters.

suspend Unit

Inside of a Mutex this function sets the GL context associated with the WatchFaceService.getBackgroundThreadHandler's looper thread as the current one, executes commands and finally unsets the GL context.

suspend Unit
runUiThreadGlCommands(commands: suspend () -> Unit)

Inside of a Mutex this function sets the UiThread GL context as the current one, executes commands and finally unsets the GL context.

Inherited properties


Accessibility ContentDescriptionLabel for any rendered watch face elements other than the time and ComplicationSlots which are generated automatically.

@Px Float

The center x coordinate of the SurfaceHolder this Renderer renders into.

@Px Float

The center y coordinate of the SurfaceHolder this Renderer renders into.


The interval in milliseconds between frames in interactive DrawModes.


The current RenderParameters.


The bounds of the SurfaceHolder this Renderer renders into.


The SurfaceHolder that renderInternal will draw into.


Representative WatchFaceColors which are made available to system clients via androidx.wear.watchface.client.InteractiveWatchFaceClient.OnWatchFaceColorsListener.


The GlesRenderer's background Thread EGLContext.


The GlesRenderer's EGLConfig.


The GlesRenderer's EGLDisplay.


The GlesRenderer's UiThread EGLContext.

Public constructors


Added in 1.0.0
Deprecated in 1.1.0
    surfaceHolder: SurfaceHolder,
    currentUserStyleRepository: CurrentUserStyleRepository,
    watchState: WatchState,
    interactiveDrawModeUpdateDelayMillis: @IntRange(from = 0, to = 60000) Long,
    eglConfigAttribList: IntArray = EGL_CONFIG_ATTRIB_LIST,
    eglSurfaceAttribList: IntArray = EGL_SURFACE_ATTRIB_LIST

Public functions


Added in 1.0.0
Deprecated in 1.1.0
open suspend fun onBackgroundThreadGlContextCreated(): Unit

Called once a background thread when a new GL context is created on the background thread, before any subsequent calls to render. Note this function is called inside a lambda passed to runBackgroundThreadGlCommands which has synchronized access to the GL context.

If you need to override this method in java, consider using androidx.wear.watchface.ListenableGlesRenderer instead.


Added in 1.0.0
Deprecated in 1.1.0
open suspend fun onUiThreadGlSurfaceCreated(width: @Px Int, height: @Px Int): Unit

Called when a new GL surface is created on the UiThread, before any subsequent calls to render or in response to SurfaceHolder.Callback.surfaceChanged. Note this function is called inside a lambda passed to runUiThreadGlCommands which has synchronized access to the GL context.

If you need to override this method in java, consider using androidx.wear.watchface.ListenableGlesRenderer instead.

width: @Px Int

width of surface in pixels

height: @Px Int

height of surface in pixels


Added in 1.0.0
Deprecated in 1.1.0
fun runBackgroundThreadGlCommands(runnable: Runnable): Unit

Inside of a Mutex this function sets the GL context associated with the WatchFaceService.getBackgroundThreadHandler's looper thread as the current one, executes runnable and finally unsets the GL context.

Access to the GL context this way is necessary because GL contexts are not shared between renderers and there can be multiple watch face instances existing concurrently (e.g. headless and interactive, potentially from different watch faces if an APK contains more than one WatchFaceService).

NB this function is called by the library before running runBackgroundThreadGlCommands so there's no need to use this directly in client code unless you need to make GL calls outside of those methods.


if the calls to EGL14.eglMakeCurrent fails


Added in 1.0.0
Deprecated in 1.1.0
fun runUiThreadGlCommands(runnable: Runnable): Unit

Inside of a Mutex this function sets the UiThread GL context as the current one, executes runnable and finally unsets the GL context.

Access to the GL context this way is necessary because GL contexts are not shared between renderers and there can be multiple watch face instances existing concurrently (e.g. headless and interactive, potentially from different watch faces if an APK contains more than one WatchFaceService).


if the calls to EGL14.eglMakeCurrent fails

Protected functions


Added in 1.0.0
Deprecated in 1.1.0
protected open fun onBackgroundThreadGlContextCreatedFuture(): ListenableFuture<Unit>

Called once a background thread when a new GL context is created on the background thread, before any subsequent calls to render. Note this function is called inside a lambda passed to runBackgroundThreadGlCommands which has synchronized access to the GL context. Note cancellation of the returned future is not supported.


A ListenableFuture which is resolved when background thread work has completed. Rendering will be blocked until this has resolved.


Added in 1.0.0
Deprecated in 1.1.0
protected open fun onUiThreadGlSurfaceCreatedFuture(width: @Px Int, height: @Px Int): ListenableFuture<Unit>

Called when a new GL surface is created on the UiThread, before any subsequent calls to render and in response to SurfaceHolder.Callback.surfaceChanged. Note this function is called inside a lambda passed to Renderer.GlesRenderer.runUiThreadGlCommands which has synchronized access to the GL context. Note cancellation of the returned future is not supported.

width: @Px Int

width of surface in pixels

height: @Px Int

height of surface in pixels


A ListenableFuture which is resolved when UI thread work has completed. Rendering will be blocked until this has resolved.