
class OngoingActivity

Main class to access the Ongoing Activities API. It's created with the Builder. After it's created (and before building and posting the Notification) apply apply needs to be called:

NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(context)
OngoingActivity ongoingActivity = new OngoingActivity.Builder(context, notificationId, builder);
Note that the notification passed to the Builder is also usen to take defaults if they are not explicitly set on it (see the Builder for details).

Note that if a Notification with that id was previously posted it will be replaced. If you need more than one Notification with the same ID you can use a String tag to differentiate them in both the Builder and notify

Afterward, update can be used to update the status.

If saving the OngoingActivity instance is not convenient, it can be recovered (after the notification is posted) with recoverOngoingActivity

It's worth mentioning that the information provided may be used/redered differently on different SysUIs, so we can only provide a general expectation.


Nested types

Builder used to build an OngoingActivity

Public functions

apply(context: Context)

Notify the system that this activity should be shown as an Ongoing Activity.


Get the animated icon that can be used on some surfaces to represent this OngoingActivity.


Get the Category of this OngoingActivity if set, otherwise the category of the corresponding notification.


Get the content description of this OngoingActivity if set.


Get the LocusId of this OngoingActivity, this can be used by the launcher to identify the corresponding launcher item and display it accordingly.


Get the notificationId of the notification associated with this OngoingActivity.


Get the id to this OngoingActivity.


Get the static icon that can be used on some surfaces to represent this OngoingActivity.


Get the status of this ongoing activity, the status may be displayed on the UI to show progress of the Ongoing Activity.


Get the tag of the notification associated with this OngoingActivity, or null if there is none.


Get the time (in elapsedRealtime time) the OngoingActivity was built.


Get the title of this OngoingActivity if set.


Get the intent to be used to go back to the activity when the user interacts with the Ongoing Activity in other surfaces (for example, taps the Icon on the WatchFace).

java-static OngoingActivity?

Convenience method for clients that don’t want to / can’t store the OngoingActivity instance.

java-static OngoingActivity?
    context: Context,
    filter: Predicate<OngoingActivity!>

Convenience method for clients that don’t want to / can’t store the OngoingActivity instance.

java-static OngoingActivity?
recoverOngoingActivity(context: Context, ongoingActivityId: Int)

Convenience method for clients that don’t want to / can’t store the OngoingActivity instance.

@RequiresPermission(value = Manifest.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS)
update(context: Context, status: Status)

Update the status of this Ongoing Activity.

Public functions


Added in 1.0.0
fun apply(context: Context): Unit

Notify the system that this activity should be shown as an Ongoing Activity. This will modify the notification builder associated with this Ongoing Activity, so needs to be called before building and posting that notification.

context: Context

May be used to access system services. A reference will not be kept after this call returns.


Added in 1.0.0
fun getAnimatedIcon(): Icon?

Get the animated icon that can be used on some surfaces to represent this OngoingActivity. For example, in the WatchFace.


Added in 1.0.0
fun getCategory(): String?

Get the Category of this OngoingActivity if set, otherwise the category of the corresponding notification.


Added in 1.1.0-alpha01
fun getContentDescription(): String?

Get the content description of this OngoingActivity if set.


Added in 1.0.0
fun getLocusId(): LocusIdCompat?

Get the LocusId of this OngoingActivity, this can be used by the launcher to identify the corresponding launcher item and display it accordingly. If not set, returns the one in the corresponding Notification.


Added in 1.0.0
fun getNotificationId(): Int

Get the notificationId of the notification associated with this OngoingActivity.


Added in 1.0.0
fun getOngoingActivityId(): Int

Get the id to this OngoingActivity. This id is used to reference it in recoverOngoingActivity


Added in 1.0.0
fun getStaticIcon(): Icon

Get the static icon that can be used on some surfaces to represent this OngoingActivity. For example in the WatchFace in ambient mode. If not set, returns the small icon of the corresponding Notification.


Added in 1.0.0
fun getStatus(): Status?

Get the status of this ongoing activity, the status may be displayed on the UI to show progress of the Ongoing Activity. If not set, returns the content text of the corresponding Notification.


Added in 1.0.0
fun getTag(): String?

Get the tag of the notification associated with this OngoingActivity, or null if there is none.


Added in 1.0.0
fun getTimestamp(): Long

Get the time (in elapsedRealtime time) the OngoingActivity was built.


Added in 1.0.0
fun getTitle(): String?

Get the title of this OngoingActivity if set.


Added in 1.0.0
fun getTouchIntent(): PendingIntent

Get the intent to be used to go back to the activity when the user interacts with the Ongoing Activity in other surfaces (for example, taps the Icon on the WatchFace). If not set, returns the touch intent of the corresponding Notification.


Added in 1.0.0
java-static fun recoverOngoingActivity(context: Context): OngoingActivity?

Convenience method for clients that don’t want to / can’t store the OngoingActivity instance. Note that if there is more than one Ongoing Activity active you have not guarantee over which one you get, you need to use one of the other variations of this method.

context: Context

May be used to access system services. A reference will not be kept after this call returns.


the Ongoing Activity or null if not found


Added in 1.0.0
java-static fun recoverOngoingActivity(
    context: Context,
    filter: Predicate<OngoingActivity!>
): OngoingActivity?

Convenience method for clients that don’t want to / can’t store the OngoingActivity instance.

context: Context

May be used to access system services. A reference will not be kept after this call returns.

filter: Predicate<OngoingActivity!>

used to find the required OngoingActivity.


the Ongoing Activity or null if not found


Added in 1.0.0
java-static fun recoverOngoingActivity(context: Context, ongoingActivityId: Int): OngoingActivity?

Convenience method for clients that don’t want to / can’t store the OngoingActivity instance.

context: Context

May be used to access system services. A reference will not be kept after this call returns.

ongoingActivityId: Int

the id of the Ongoing Activity to retrieve, set in setOngoingActivityId


the Ongoing Activity or null if not found


Added in 1.0.0
@RequiresPermission(value = Manifest.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS)
fun update(context: Context, status: Status): Unit

Update the status of this Ongoing Activity. Note that this may post the notification updated with the new information.

context: Context

May be used to access system services. A reference will not be kept after this call returns.

status: Status

The new status of this Ongoing Activity.