
public final class StorageInfo

The response class of AppSearchSession#getStorageInfo.


Nested types

public final class StorageInfo.Builder

Builder for StorageInfo objects.

Public methods


Returns the number of alive documents in the current session.


Returns the number of namespaces that have at least one alive document in the current session's database.


Returns the total number of blobs in the session's database.


Returns the total size of all blobs in the session's database in bytes.


Returns the estimated size of the session's database in bytes.

Public methods


Added in 1.1.0-alpha07
public int getAliveDocumentsCount()

Returns the number of alive documents in the current session.

Alive documents are documents that haven't been deleted and haven't exceeded the ttl as set in setTtlMillis.


Added in 1.1.0-alpha07
public int getAliveNamespacesCount()

Returns the number of namespaces that have at least one alive document in the current session's database.

Alive documents are documents that haven't been deleted and haven't exceeded the ttl as set in setTtlMillis.


Added in 1.1.0-alpha07
public int getBlobCount()

Returns the total number of blobs in the session's database.

Blobs are binary large objects associated with the documents in the database. Pending blobs that haven't been committed and orphan blobs that haven't been cleared will be counted with alive blobs as well.


Added in 1.1.0-alpha07
public long getBlobSizeBytes()

Returns the total size of all blobs in the session's database in bytes.

Blobs are binary large objects associated with the documents in the database. Pending blobs that haven't been committed and orphan blobs that haven't been cleared will be counted along with alive blobs.


Added in 1.1.0-alpha07
public long getSizeBytes()

Returns the estimated size of the session's database in bytes.